Page 24 of Road's Betrayal

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She sighed. “I guess I have been, but what you’re suggesting is not right.”

“Why not?” he asked. “I’m a willing volunteer.”

“You’re more than happy for me to use you as practice for kissing?”

“Go ahead, kiss me. See if you even like it.”

She pressed her lips together and he truly thought she was going to deny him but then she frowned and stepped toward him, closing the small distance between them.

Road watched her and in that moment, he saw just how beautiful she was. Her long brown hair had been styled into a curl. Last night, she had those curler things in her hair, kind of like she did the first night. He’d been watching her take care of herself for the past couple of weeks. It surprised him they had only been friends a short time, when it already felt like a lifetime, and not in a bad way either.

Her hands landed on his chest and she jerked back as if she had gotten burnt from his touch. He reached for her and placed her hands behind his neck. “You’ve got to get really close to kiss.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Then start out slow,” he said.


He kissed her lips, just the lightest of touches, and Road’s lips tingled. It had been years since he felt a woman’s lips. No one had dared get close to his face since he had gotten his scars.

Road jerked back.

“What?” she asked. “Was it wrong?”

He cupped either side of her face and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. There was so much he’d taken for granted, but he also knew this was different because of Dinah. Leaning in close, he brushed his lips against hers, and he heard her subtlemoan. It was so quiet, yet it felt like such a loud, erotic sound. No woman had made that sound.

The moment his lips touched hers, Road lost all sense. Sliding his fingers into her hair, he gripped the back of her head and deepened the kiss. She tightened her hands around his neck, and he felt her press her body against his. She felt so incredible. Full, ripe tits, thick, juicy thighs, curves in all the right places. This woman was his walking dream, and he had only just realized it.

Chapter Seven

The following morning, Dinah stared across the rim of her coffee mug and at the kitchen doorway. She was already dressed and ready for work. There were several clients lined up for the day, and there was no way she was calling in sick.

Her lips still tingled from last night. She didn’t even know how the kiss ended, and who made their escape first. It might have been her, but she had a feeling Road also made his escape. He’d stayed the night as his bike was still parked in her driveway.

A couple of her neighbors had given her disapproving looks over the past few days, but she didn’t care. Road had filled a void she didn’t even know she had. She didn’t even realize how lonely she’d been until he started coming around. On the nights he showed up late, that loneliness had a way of sinking into her heart, threatening to spill over. It made the loss of her mother even more apparent.

She tensed up as she heard him coming down the corridor toward the kitchen. She held onto her cup in a death grip and waited. Her heart raced. She’d struggled to get to sleep last night as all she could feel was his lips on hers. They were hard and yet soft at the same time, which made little to no sense. Life at the moment didn’t make a whole lot of sense.

There were moments she couldn’t help but wonder if her mother would be upset with her choice of a friend. She’d always struggled to make friends, even as a kid. Playdates hadn’t been high on her childhood schedule.

Pushing those insecurities to the back of her mind, she offered Road a smile as he stepped into the room. He surprised her as he walked up toward her, gripped her waist, and kissed her right on the lips.

“Morning, beautiful,” he said.

“M-morning.” Her lips still tingled from the night before,and now they felt like they were doing so again. She pressed her lips together. How did she broach this conversation with him?

“You’ve got a busy day?” he asked.

“Uh, yeah, it’s kind of full. A lot of appointments.”

“I’ll be around tonight,” he said. “I’ve got to head back to the clubhouse.”


He chuckled.

“What?” she asked.

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