Page 21 of Road's Betrayal

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“You heard me, Road. I’ve never dated. Never had the time to go on one date.”

“Wait. That’s not possible. You must have gone on dates.”

She grabbed a towel and the bowl, and turned toward him. “When? After taking care of my mom? Studying? Learning? Working? When do I have time to do anything else? Trust me, dating men after what I saw happen to my mom, was off the cards. You’re the only man I’ve spent any time with, and trust me, I know this is not a date date.”

He kept staring at her as she finished cleaning her dishes.

“Why are you looking at me funny?” she asked.

“Because I’m trying to figure something out.”

“Figure what out?”

“Well, if you’ve never been on any kind of date, and all you’ve done your whole life is work and take care of your mom, I’m curious if you’re trying to tell me something.”

“This conversation is pointless, and we need to move on.” She attempted to brush past him, but for some reason, Road was not letting this go. She didn’t know why he wasn’t, and in all honesty, she didn’t want to think of the reasons.

“You’re a virgin,” he said.

She shrugged. What more could she do? “So?” she asked.

He jerked back. “I don’t have anything. No diseases or anything. You’re not going to catch the virgin bug. Trust me, I’ve heard once it’s gone, it isn’t coming back.”

Any other time, he would have probably laughed at that.

“Why?” he asked.

Dinah frowned. “Are you seriously asking me why I’m still a virgin?”

“At least you admit it.”

“I didn’t deny it before. Why are you so confusing? This is not hard math. My mother was attacked by a man she didn’t want to be with. As her punishment for denying him, he ruined her life and career. Trust me, to a young woman, she takes notice, and I realized I didn’t want to get to know any kind ofman that could do that.”

“Sergey is a different kind of man.”

“Yeah, I know, but with everything going on, taking care of my mother, trying to give her something to live for, dating wasn’t in the cards.”

“Did you even have guys that asked?”

“There were guys that asked, that wanted to, but … I loved my mom. I wanted to spend all my time with her. She was a sweetheart. Would never hurt anyone.” She pressed her lips together. This was not what she wanted to spend her evening doing. “I’m kind of tired, I think it’s time I just go to bed.”

She didn’t even wait for him to argue with her. He had a room to himself, so he could choose to stay or leave. She moved toward the back of the house, and all too soon, she was grabbed from behind, spun around, and hugged. It took Dinah a second to realize what was happening, and then, when she figured it out, she held onto him, not wanting to let go.

“I’ve got you,” he said.

And for some reason, she felt like everything was going to be okay, which was insane, because this was Road. He’d attempted to attack her during the first night of getting to know one another. In some twisted way, he’d become one, if not her only, best friend. Raine certainly hadn’t come back to apologize.

Dinah had already placed her name on the calendar for when Raine would be back. When her hair needed styling, the only person she liked doing her hair was Dinah.


“What about kisses?” Road asked.

It had been several days since he discovered Dinah was a virgin. He couldn’t believe it, and had even asked a few of the club what it was like for a virgin. He’d tried to talk to some of the club women, but they thought he was hitting on them. There wasa time he would have used the club women, but since meeting Dinah, the appeal of a woman flinching from his touch didn’t appeal.

He liked being around Dinah. She didn’t stare at his scars, or make them obvious. She laughed and yelled, and glared at him. Never did she flinch. There were nights he forgot he had them, and it was only when he was in the bathroom and saw his reflection in the mirror that it came flooding back.

Dinah had that ability to make him forget. And he found it addictive.

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