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She nodded. “I think my mother mentioned that you had gone to law school.”

How many other things had her mother mentioned? “Yeah, so it works. And my schedule is flexible, and I can work in Jewel Cove during the summer and sometimes at Christmas.”

“So you kept up with your summers and Christmases. How convenient.”

There was a sharp edge to her tone, and I didn’t want to go down that road. It had been so long. Why reunite only to fight? I took a bite of my muffin. “These are the best.”

She allowed the subject change and let out a long sigh, finishing her muffin. “I can’t believe I haven’t had one since I’ve been back.”

“I can’t believe it either.”

She cleared her throat. “How are your brothers?”

“Good. I just saw them a couple days ago.”

“You saw all of them?”

I grinned, thinking about how crazy they were. “Yep, and before you ask, they are the same.”

She wrinkled her nose. “I thought I heard that Sebastian got married. To some supermodel?”

I scoffed. “Yep. Kim was a supermodel and once she figured out that Sebastian would only win a bronze in the Olympics, she told him she only wanted to be with a gold medal type.”

Melody winced. “Are you serious?”

It was easy to gossip about my brothers. I nodded. “Kim wasn't the easiest person to live with. I think she is in Europe somewhere. I honestly have no idea. My brother never talks about her, and we never ask.”

“That makes sense. I mean, I've only been divorced a couple months, and I don't like to talk about him.”

I wasn't thrilled she had brought up her ex, but at least she was talking to me.

She cleared her throat. “How is Liam?”

“He is great. He prides himself on doing his own real estate deals, outside of our family, and he’s built himself quite the real estate empire. It’s cool.”

“Really?” She took a sip of coffee. “He never married, right?”

It felt so easy and so strange to be catching up with her about my brothers. “Right. The SEALS will forever be his family. I mean, we are all close as brothers, but he takes being a Navy SEAL to the next level.”

“He was always so competitive.”

“We all were.”

Her lips curved into a smile. “True. And how is Donovan? Does he still have that motorcycle you all used to ride?”

I was surprised she remembered that. “Of course. It’s in the back of Grandmother’s garage. We all like to ride it when we come visit.”

She nodded. “It was fun. I remember feeling so free and…well, never mind.” She blushed.

I loved the fact she was blushing, remembering riding that motorcycle with me. “Good times.” I wanted to ask about her ex-husband and her son, but I kept to safe topics. “What are your plans for Christmas?”

She stiffened and then stood. “Gosh, where has the time gone? I really do need to get back to the store.”

I blinked. “What? Already?”

She picked up all her trash and moved toward the door. “Thank you. Seriously. This was great.”

I disposed of my trash and followed her out. She wasn’t getting away that easily. I fell into step beside her as we made our way down the sidewalk. “Why are you always running away from me?”

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