Page 24 of Insatiable

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“I think that you should go over and talk to him—just the two of you,” she insisted. “He probably needs your forgiveness and that’s between the two of you.”

“Agreed,” Zane said.

“Good,” she breathed, “then, I’ll go over later on to tell him that we both want him back and to tell him that I’m pregnant. We can’t fuck this up,” she said to Zane. “I need you both.”

“Right, I’ll do my best, baby. Let me grab a quick shower and I’ll head over to his motel room,” Zane said.

“Tonight?” she asked. “It’s getting pretty late.”

“There’s no time like the present. If he’s not at the motel, I’ll probably find him at the office. I’m betting that he’s keeping himself busy with work and looking for his next case to try to take his mind off us.” Zane was right. Dakota had witnessed firsthand how hard Crew worked. He was a damn good detective, and it was because he threw himself into his job.

“Are you sure that you want to divide and conquer?” he asked her.

“I am. If you can’t convince Crew to come home, I’ll try to persuade him with the pregnancy,” she said.

“So, you’re going to play dirty?” Zane asked.

“Oh, Zane,” she chided, “you’ve known me my whole life, what do you think?” she giggled and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I plan on playing as dirty as I can.”

“I believe you, honey,” he said, “and poor Crew won’t know what even hit him.”

Zane came home later that night looking like someone had kicked his puppy. “I take it that it didn’t go well?” Dakota asked.

“I’m afraid that it didn’t go well,” he grumbled. “Crew was too busy being an ass to listen to reason. I thought that I was the one who should be upset that he accused me of murder.”

“Accessory to murder,” Dakota corrected. Zane shot her a look and she could tell that he wasn’t amused. “So, what exactly happened?” she asked.

He sat down on the bed next to her and kicked off his shoes, laying back on the mattress and groaning. “God, that feels good,” he said. She looked at the alarm clock and realized that it was almost midnight.

“You must be exhausted,” she said.

“I guess,” he grumbled. “I think that I’m more tired of going through all this shit,” he admitted. “I just want things to go back to normal—like it was when you first came home with us. I want the three of us back together,” he said.

“I want that too,” she admitted. “You still haven’t told me what happened. Where did you find him?” she asked.

“At that shitty motel he’s staying at,” Zane said.

“Well, he doesn’t have anywhere else to stay. I mean Crew and I both gave up our homes to move in here with you,” she reminded.

“I haven’t forgotten,” he mumbled. “I just can’t believe that he’d rather stay at that run-down shit hole than here with us.” She couldn’t believe that either, but she did know how stubborn Crew could be. “So, you found him at his motel,” she said, trying to get him to pick up the story where he had left off.

“Yes, and he didn’t answer at first. I banged on his door until the office manager came over and let me in. I found that stubborn asshole in his bed, trying to sleep through all that fucking noise.” She wasn’t sure if her baby had ears yet, but she was hoping that he or she didn’t. Dakota made a mental note to tell the guys that they have to cut out the cussing—her too. She didn’t want her baby’s first word to be “Fuck”.

“I told him to get the fuck up; that we needed to talk, and he told me to fuck off. He didn’t want to talk to me and then he said something ridiculous about the two of us moving on withouthim. I told him that wasn’t going to happen, and he shouted something about me being too hardheaded for my own good.”

“Yeah—you’re two peas in a pod,” she teased. Both of her guys were hardheaded and short tempered. But they were also two of the most loving, caring men that she had ever met.

“Not funny,” he said with no real heat. “Anyway, I told him that we both love him and want him to come home and Crew said that would never happen.”

“Ever?” she asked.

“Ever,” he said. “Crew said that you and I should just give up and just get married, and I told him that wasn’t going to happen without him. That’s when he tossed me out of his motel room and told me never to come back.”

“Shit,” she said, forgetting her new rule about no cursing around the baby. “None of that sounds good, Zane.” He shook his head and pulled her into his body. “So, what’s next?” she asked.

“What if I asked you to marry me?” he asked.

“What do you mean?” she questioned. She wasn’t sure if he was asking how she felt about the prospect of marrying him or if she’d say yes or no.

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