Page 12 of Insatiable

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“And if I say yes?” Dakota whispered. Was she actually considering being part of a threesome with one of her brother’s best friends? Being with Zane was something that she wanted since she was just a teenager, but she never imagined that he’d ask her to have sex with him and his boyfriend.

“If you say yes, we take you home and have some fun,” he breathed.

“Fun,” she repeated, “what do you mean by fun?”

Zane leaned in closer to her so that only she’d be able to hear his answer. “Crew and I will make you ours, Dakota,” he whispered into her ear. She couldn’t help her shiver or the way that her traitorous body leaned into his. There was no way that she’d be able to tell him no now.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“Stay here,” Zane ordered. He walked back to the men’s bathroom and came back to the bar with Crew. They helped her down from the bar stool and each took one of her hands into their own. No one said a word, and somehow, that made everything feel even hotter. Dakota wasn’t sure what she had just agreed to, but she knew one thing—she was going to like becoming Zane and Crew’s tonight.


Zane suddenly felt nervous about asking Dakota to come back home with him and Crew. What was he thinking? She was his best friend’s little sister, and he was acting like the teen boy who had a crush on her.

They decided to take Crew’s car home and leave Dakota’s at the bar. He promised to take her to pick it up in the morning, but she was in no way capable of driving herself anywhere. She was drunk and that made him feel even more guilty about asking her to be their third. He and Crew that the first thing that they were going to do once they got home was sober her up with some coffee and a bath. Then, the three of them would sit down and talk about if they wanted to proceed with this crazy plan.

“Did you move?” Dakota asked. She was sitting in the back seat and Zane turned to look her over.

“Yeah, I bought this place about a year ago. I felt too confined at my old apartment and decided it was time to get a grownup house. Crew moved in with me a few months ago,” Zane said.

“So, you two live here together?” she said nodding to the house as Crew parked in the garage.

“Yes,” Zane said.

“I never knew that you were gay, Zane,” she said.

“I’m not gay—I’m bi,” he said. “That’s the reason why we asked you to come home with us.”

“I see,” she breathed, “and I’m guessing that you are bi too?” she asked Crew.

“Yep,” he said, flashing her his sexy smile that usually made Zane weak in the knees.

“So, how does this work?” Dakota asked.

“First, we’re going to sober you up, honey,” Crew said.

“Then, we can talk about this still being what you want,” Zane insisted.

“I’m not going to change my mind, Zane,” she promised. “I want this.”

“Good to know, baby,” he said.

“Well, at least that’s an upgrade from kid,” she teased. He always called her “kid” probably to remind himself that she was hands-off since she was younger than he was. Of course, Crew found the whole exchange much funnier than it actually was and Zane shot him a dirty look.

“Let’s go get you some coffee, honey,” he offered.

“I’d love to drink it in the bath if that’s an option. It’s been a long day and a bath sounds like heaven.” A long day was an understatement—Dakota had been through hell having to watch her partner bleed out. She told them about Jenna on their way home and the whole story broke Zane’s heart. He had always admired Dakota for becoming a police officer—especially given what their families did for a living. Being the kid of a mobster wasn’t easy, but she turned out pretty damn good for everything she had been through.

“I think that we can manage that,” Zane assured. “I’ll start the bath, and you brew the coffee, babe,” he ordered. He pulled Zane in for a quick kiss, and he didn’t miss the hitch in Dakota’sbreath. She seemed to like it when he kissed his guy. That was something that he needed to remember for later.

“You two are so hot together,” she whispered. “Every time you two kiss, I feel like I’m watching something that I shouldn’t see.”

“Is that a good or bad thing, honey?” Crew asked.

“It’s a good thing,” she assured.

“Good,” Crew whispered. He pulled her in for a kiss, taking his time with her, and Zane took his turn after his guy.

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