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Yep, I officially need Shadowvale to save me from myself.

Except while backing slowly to retake my seat at the bar, I realize that for once in an emergency, I didn’t first think of Shadowvale. Or my sister who gawks at me as though I’ve grown a third horn. Or those victims and survivors who find sanctuary here. Or even the kingdom. No, my focus had been solely on Val.

What kind of unholy fuckery have I gotten myself into?

This was supposed to be an easy conquest of a match made for magic and power, without complications.

Nic catches me pressing a hand to my ribs. “You sure you should be down here and not in the infirmary getting your bones fused back together?”

“I’ll be fine. We both know I’ve had much worse injuries than some busted ribs. At least the rest of me seems to have healed.”

She glances with a smile toward my mate. “It’s so sweet Val nursed you back to health.”

“I’m still shocked she didn’t try to stab me. Or sic Montejanus on me.”

“She must be coming around to the truth of you two being fated.” Nic makes it sound like we’re humans caught up in some gods-awful dating show. “Any clue how you’re going to talk her into staying permanently?”

“I only need her to complete the mating bond so I can get the extra power bump. No one is talking about a lasting commitment except for you.” Even as I say the words, the idea of Val leaving makes my chest tighten. I won’t let her go.

Gilly strides into the room, heels clicking on the hardwood floor. “I forget how massive Shadowvale is until I hit the resort floors and your wards against teleporting.” She’s slightly out of breath by the time she reaches us. “I’m surprised you let your mate out of your penthouse.”

“He can’t lock her away forever,” Nic argues.

“Sure he can,” Gilly says.

I’d like nothing more than to go upstairs and climb back into bed with Val while keeping the world out, but I’m not sharingthatwith my sisters. Not that either cares about my opinion. The two of them can bicker for hours about anything.

Their distraction gives me the chance to watch Val work her charm on a dwarf who generally can’t stand people. No matter who she meets, my mate wins them over like she’s weaving a spell. She has even captured the attention of a soul guardian who hasn’t been seen in centuries. It makes me wonder how she managed to fool the millions who watch her family’s show into thinking she’s dull. I won’t underestimate her.

If I hadn’t read my investigators’ file on her, I would guess she isn’t fully human. They’d described her as beautiful, boring, not very bright, and undeniably born to two full-blooded humans.

“Don’t you agree?” Nic asks, glaring at me, and I realize I have no idea what my sisters have been arguing about. Not that I’ll admit my mate has stolen all my concentration.

I deflect. “What do you need for your masquerade?” I ask instead.

“It’s not a costume party, Theo,” she says with a sigh. “We’re doing spa treatments—mostly sheet masks.”

Gilly heads around the bar and pulls liquor bottles and a martini glass to make herself a drink. “I’m not sure if that sounds more or less creepy than Theo’s take. I mean I like a spa as much as anyone else. For the quiet. It’s not really asocial thing. Only you could turn it into a reason for a party, Nicolette.”

Nic’s human glamour turns as scarlet as her demon form. Only Gilly and our mother can make her mad. “It’s a good idea,” she insists.

“A great one,” I assure her. “Val already said she’s looking forward to it.”

“Good.” She waves a dismissive hand at our sister. “I’ll go start putting together the guest list. I’m out.” Then she’s gone in a flip of pink hair and glittering squeak of sequin sneakers.

“Must you provoke Nic into defending herself every single time?” I ask Gilly.

She pours precise measurements into a shaker, not spilling a drop. “Our baby sister needs to grow up. For once, I’d like her to either take initiative or at least recognize the efforts of those of us who have to actually put in the work for people to notice us. Not just twinkle in with her rainbow hair and all-play-everyday personality. Drink?”

“No, and why would you suggest Nic needs to adult more than she already does?”

“Did you just use Nic and adult in the same sentence?” Adding a scoop of ice, Gilly rattles the shaker, stopping our conversation momentarily. “While I’m trying to track our portal hijacker, locate a kraken pirate ship whose crew doesn’t want to be found, and deal with whatever diplomacy our father trusts his least favorite child to handle, she’s planning parties.”

Fatigue laces her words as much as frustration. How had I not noticed her less than perfect posture, the few hairs out of place that would mean a disaster in Gilly’s put-together world, and the slight shake of her hand that now bumps against the glass as she pours? “I should’ve been out helping you today.”

She shrugs a shoulder. “You nearly died, and we need you winning over your mate if you’re to have a shot at getting themagic we both know you’ll need to hold the kingdom together when…” She takes a long breath. “If Father’s condition continues to deteriorate. How are things going with your human?”

Memories of what Val called herself earlier spear through me. “Did you call my mate a powerless human?” I can’t keep the thread of violence out of my voice.

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