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Damnit, the fucking soul guardian is flirting with my mate and making far more headway than I ever could. Not that it matters. I should be able to reason her into complying, to command her if necessary. Or I could with any other woman. But Val? She’s more fiercely independent and strong willed than her family’s show hinted.

“Oh,” she says with a coo to the mongoose. “Who are you, little guy?”

“Montejanus is a soul guardian,” I answer since he’s far too busy sucking up to her, climbing in her lap, making her drop the sword with a clatter and cuddle him close. “He’s dangerous in both his forms, whether he’s a snake-killing mongoose or a fire-breathing dragon.”

I don’t bother hiding my revulsion or mentioning how, according to legends, he’s one of the few beings who exist capable of taking down demons.

“Can I call you Monty?” She strokes his fur, ignoring me completely. “Who’s a good boy? Protecting me from the big, mean demon who got my friends taken?”

I give up. The woman’s impossible. She’s also impossibly gorgeous as she scratches Monty under his chin until his eyes close in bliss. As a prince, I’m used to fighting women off—not having them literally fight me. Of course the Fates wouldn’t make the most important conquest of my centuries-long life easy.

“Perhaps we could begin again,” I suggest.

“By not kidnapping me and my friends?”

My sister picks that moment to teleport into the study. “Whoa,” Gilly says. “That sounds like a hell of a meet-cute. Demon pun intended.”

“Not funny,” I tell her. At least it’s Gilly and not Nic. As the president of Val’s fan club, I’m sure our youngest sibling would feel dutybound to take my mate’s side. Maybe I shouldn’t have left Nic alone with her earlier.

“I thought it was funny.” Gilly nods to Val. “I hear you’ve already met Nic. I’m the evil kidnapper’s other sister.” Glancing toward the mongoose pressing his furry head against my mate’s palm, she asks, “Friend of yours?”

“This is Monty,” Val answers. “Isn’t he perfect?”

My sister’s expression doesn’t change beyond the slight widening of her eyes. “Short for Montejanus?” she asks me.

“Yes.” I wait for her to validate my concerns and offer suggestions on separating Val from her new friend.

Gilly takes a step back, putting distance between herself and the soul guardian. “Theo, what did you do that was so terrible that it forced a freakin’ soul guardian to show up?” She turns toVal. “I suppose I should thank you for not running my brother through with the sword?”

My mate rises, and the soul guardian climbs from her hand to her shoulder. “No promises that I won’t stab him later.”

“I like her,” Gilly says. “Regardless of how our families have been sworn enemies the past few centuries.”

Val frowns. “What?—?”

“Later,” I interrupt. “What’d you find at the portal, Gilly?”

“Portal?” Val asks.

My sister answers her instead of me. “My brother sent me to investigate the other unauthorized portal we had open earlier today a few hundred miles down the coast from the house where you met him. I was busy following leads and only just made it back.”

“My friends?” Val doesn’t sound like a warrior with my sister. She sounds on the verge of tears. “Any signs of where Ava might’ve been taken?”

“We’ll find your lost friend.” Gilly’s voice? It’s reassuring, and my mate looks less ready to rip into her the way she’s constantly trying with me. “Both portals originated from an ocean realm which narrows our inquiry but still leaves quite a few dimensions. We’ll start with the ones that have prior authorization from demon royals. I’m heading to take over the search now. If I hear anything about her, I’ll come to you first.”

“Thank you,” Val says.

Gilly teleports out, leaving me to deal with my mate.

“What’s this about our families being enemies?” she asks. At least she doesn’t grab the sword again.

Stubborn, persistent woman. “I’ll find Ava,” I promise her. “The other doesn’t matter right now.”

“My nonna would hate you. She tells stories about a demon deal my ancestors made generations ago.”

“Not stories. Truth.”

“Sure, I’ll believe that when you do something other than lie to me,” she mutters. “About my friends.” She switches subjects faster than a pixie high on their own dust. “Where are Rosemarie and Meg?”

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