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“My apologies,” Damek says, but his smirk shows how insincere his apology is.

Julien groans. “I regret encouraging this relationship.”

A little later, a group of us stand outside as the sun begins to set. Damek is at my side, holding my hand. Julien stands onthe other side, his gaze on the driveway as we anxiously await Lucien’s arrival.

Dad is embracing Eden as we wait. Eden is smiling bigger than I’ve ever seen. I knew that Lucien missing was hard on her, but I don’t think I realized just how difficult it was. Seeing her so happy like this makes my stomach twist. She’s a great mom to Julien and Lucien—the fact that she accepted me proves that. It would’ve been so much easier for her to reject me. But she didn’t. And I know it was—at least a little—for the sake of Julien and Lucien. She never wanted them to have to choose between their mom and their sister. And I am so thankful to have Eden in my life as my stepmother.

The sound of a car turning off the main road and onto the driveway makes me stiffen.

That has to be them.

I squeeze Damek’s hand tighter and he scoots closer to me.

Why did I ever question if marrying Damek was the right thing? I know now that nobody is more perfect for me than him.

Eden stands up straighter as the black SUV comes into view. She can hardly keep still while she waits for the vehicle to come to a stop. As soon as it does, she runs over to it and opens the door. Dad is right behind her, followed by Julien. I follow them, but I keep my distance. I want them to be able to have their reunion before introductions are made.

I peek between Dad and Julien’s shoulders and spot a head of dark brown hair. It’s on the long side, but I know from his pictures that he normally keeps it short. I can’t blame him for the long length since he’s been in captivity.

“You need a haircut.” Eden pulls back from the embrace to look at him.

He grins at her. “I’ll get right on that, Mom. After I eat. And sleep.”

Julien was right—Lucien does look like Eden. Not just his hair and eye color, but he’s got the same smile too.

Dad hugs Lucien next, which consists of a hard slap on the back.

“I’m glad you’re back,” Dad says.

Julien hugs him next. “Very glad. For a while, I thought I was going to have to be heir.”

Lucien laughs. “Of course you wouldn’t want the responsibility.”

“I’ll have you know I’m very responsible.” Julien puffs out his chest.

Lucien turns his attention from Julien toward Damek and me. He glances at Damek for only a couple of seconds before his eyes focus on me.

“So, you’re my younger sister,” he says.

I pause before saying, “It’s better than calling me the infamous love child.”

Lucien laughs as he steps forward. “I’m not surprised Julien said that to you.” He stops in front of me. “I’m Lucien.”

“I’m Madeline,” I say.

“But call her Maddie,” Julien says.

Lucien surprises me by hugging me. I hug him back, my head spinning from the unexpected gesture.

I didn’t expect my older brother to like me. Though, I shouldn’t be surprised, not with Eden as his mother.

“It’s nice to meet you, Maddie.” Lucien pulls back and his gaze finally settles on Damek. “Prince Damek, I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

Damek rests his hand on my lower back, a move that Lucien notices.

Lucien looks at me, raising an eyebrow.

I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “Uh, Damek and I are engaged.”

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