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I can’t wait for us to get married. I want to complete our mate bond and know what he’s thinking and feeling. I want us to be connected in all the ways that we can be.

“We’re going to have a happy life,” I say softly.

He relaxes his grip on me and he looks down. “The happiest of lives.”

Together, Damek and I make our way back to the meeting room. Our fathers and Julien are both waiting there when we return.

“Do you have an answer, Madeline?” Dad inquires.

I grin, glancing at Damek, then Dad. “Yes. I want to rule by Damek’s side.”

Julien smirks. “I knew you were born to rule, you brat.”

I stick my tongue out at him, which makes him laugh.



The door to the conference room opens with a loud thunk. It hits the wall with force and I jump at the abrupt sound.

I forgot this room is soundproof, so I couldn’t hear the footsteps coming.

Kaine walks inside, his gaze going directly to my dad. He bows slightly. “King Scott, I have a lead on Lucien’s location.”

Dad stands from his seat. “WHAT?”

“The prisoner,” Kaine explains. “Do I have your permission to go? I want to leave now before they have a chance to move him.”

“Yes,” Dad says. “Go.”

Kaine bows again to Dad and then he leaves the room without any other word.

My heart leaps at the thought of Kaine bringing home my brother. I know that is all he’s wanted since I arrived—to find Lucien.

Things between Kaine and me are so awkward now. I don’t even know how to talk to him anymore. Everything is so messed up. And I can’t help but think thatIwas the one to mess him up.

I never should’ve kissed Kaine. I only did it because I was confused. I felt backed into a corner and I thought kissing himwould help me sort out my feelings. And, in a way, it did. After that kiss, I knew exactly where Kaine stood. Even if he said he ‘loved’ me, he couldn’t be with me. I knew nothing would change his mind about that.

Kaine didn’t love me, even if he thought he did. For Kaine to love anybody, he’s first going to have to love himself. And right now, he thinks he’s unlovable since he’s a turned vampire.

Still, I feel guilty about the way things are. They wouldn’t be so awkward if I hadn’t kissed him

“I think this should be good.” Dad pushes his chair back. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to do any more work tonight.” He turns to Paul. “Please, feel free to stay for dinner tonight.”

Paul stands as well. “I need to get home, but I’m certain my son will stay.” He glances at Damek, who nods.

I stand up as well and lead Damek from the conference room. Even though the chairs are comfortable, my butt and legs are numb from sitting for so long.

“Do you want to take a walk outside?” I ask. “The flowers in the garden are starting to bloom and it’s pretty out there.”

“Sure.” Damek squeezes my hand. “Lead the way.”

Outside, it is quiet. A few bugs are chirping, but it’s still too cool for many to be out. The lights from the nearby city mask the stars, though a few can be seen. It makes me miss the island—I’m still sad we had to end our vacation early.

“You’re quiet,” Damek comments as we walk down a long pathway.

I sigh. “Sorry. I’m just… thinking. I’m kind of nervous about meeting Lucien. I hope Kaine can find him.” I pause, then add, “I also hate how awkward things are with Kaine.”

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