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“The whole estate knows.” He points at his ears. “Vampire hearing is a thing. Sometimes, I can hear you laughing through the walls. Plus, the staff likes to gossip.”

“Oh.” I lower my head, hiding my pink cheeks.

Julien starts to say something else, but my phone starts ringing. I glance at the screen and see Damek’s name popup.

Julien chuckles. “Go talk to your fiancé, but don’t stay up too late.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I grumble. “Good morning, Julien.”

“Morning,” he says, as I make my way across the hallway and answer my phone.

I can’t help but wonder if Julien is right. Am I already half way in love with Damek?



Today, I will be smart and ‘accidentally’ show up late.

Queen Rune is coming to the Scott household today to discuss wedding plans. She has multiple staff members that she’s put in charge of, but we have to decide a few things—like color.

Uh, I don’t even care at this point. If I say red, Mom will be mad. If I say anything else, Queen Rune will be upset.

I don’t think red is a bad color for a wedding. And if it’s tradition for the vampires, I don’t have a problem with it. I want to observe traditions from both succubi and vampires, as I am both.

I sip on my latte slowly while I consider my options.

If I angered my mother, she’d be unbearable for a few days, but she would eventually come around, especially if I explained my reasoning to her. Queen Rune, on the other hand, doesn’t like me. She has gotten better since Damek spoke with her, but she’s got a grudge against me. If I side with my mother, it’ll only make things worse. And since I don’t want my future mother-in-law to hate me…

Or, I could just let the two of them fight it out. I don’t have to get involved at all. I can sit back and let them make all thedecisions. I know no matter who gets their way, Mom or Queen Rune, my wedding will be beautiful.

I hear footsteps and I tense as I turn around. I relax when I see it’s just Damek.

He lifts an eyebrow, looking at his watch. “You’re late.”

“Oh, am I?” I take a sip of my latte to hide my grin.

He chuckles. “Learned that lesson, did you?”

I put down my cup. “Yes. I have decided I’ll just let my mom and your mom fight it out. They don’t need me there for that.”

“What about what you want?” Damek asks.

I shrug. “I’m a succubus—my mother has been planning my wedding since I was born.”

“Weddings are important to succubi?”

“Yes. Very important.” I slowly inhale, wondering how to explain my culture to Damek. “Succubi and incubi are extremely picky when it comes to dating. When a couple decides to get married, it’s a huge deal. Everybody celebrates the union of the couple. Weddings aren’t just a one ceremony thing—it’s something that lasts for many days. It’s a celebration for family and friends.”

“Succubi are picky?” Damek perks up.

I nod. “Extremely.”

He takes a step closer. “And you’re sure you want to marry me?”

My cheeks grow warm. “Yes.”

His face brightens. “Do you want a multi-day celebration for our wedding?”

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