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As soon as she was clothed, he grabbed her into a hug, and for a moment, she thought he was going to voice something meaningful. But then he released her with a kiss to the cheek.

Arran smiled. “Best day ever.”

I suppose that’s something.She flashed him a smile back,suppressing her disappointment, then checked her watch. Time to meet Maya and Elise at the tearoom. “I need to head out.”

He nodded, following her to the front door, where she stuffed on her shoes and put on her jacket.

“See you at the weekend?” he asked, a hopeful tone tingeing his words.

“Yeah.” She kissed him. Then she reluctantly eased away. But he grasped her jacket, pulling her back into his kiss with a thrilling force and then pressing her against the wall.

He kissed her hard at first, his movements untamed, making her heart beat hard in her chest and white heat rush through her veins. Then he broke off to brush the tip of his nose against hers, and when his lips met hers again, he tempered his pace. His kiss became assiduous. Unhurried. As if he wanted to savor her. As if he needed to imprint her on his being.

Then, slowly, he eased back to bite her lower lip, making her tremble against him.

Once he eventually broke off, her breathing was pretty heavy for what had already been a four-orgasm day.

He lifted a hand to stroke her face, staying silent, his eyes dark and intense.

She cleared her throat. “See you soon.”

Arran nodded, his voice hoarse. “Yeah.”

She left the house and climbed into her car, and he stood watching her until she was out of sight.

One thing was for sure: The sexual chemistry was spot-on between them. But was there anything more to it than that for Arran? She dragged her mind back over everything he’d said from the night of their first kiss on Skye up to the present day. He’d indicated he wanted more from her physically, but had he alluded to anything deeper than that? Not that she could put her finger on.

But Arran wasn’t the sort to hide how he was feeling. He’d beenvery vocal over the past year about not wanting another relationship. He’d been as clear as he possibly could have been. And although it was obvious he cared about her—they were such close friends—it didn’t mean that he wanted an exclusive relationship. Navigating the way into a serious relationship was so alien to her, especially when the idea of it had given her palpitations and made her physically sick in the past. She didn’t feel comfortable starting that conversation with him, nor was she equipped with the skills to do so.

She parked near the tearoom and wandered down the street, lost in her thoughts as the door jangled at her entrance.

Maya and Elise waved from their table and Liv gave them a smile as she approached and dished out hugs.

She took a seat and shrugged off her jacket.

“Tea and scones are on their way,” Maya said, watching Liv’s movements.

“Cool,” Liv said. “How’re things? Are we sorted for a dress-fitting date?”

“Yep,” Maya replied, her voice seeming a little subdued. “I’ve got the three of us booked for the fitting, and Mum and Tara are tagging along for a fashion show.” She shot Elise a concerned look and Liv realized that they must have been talking about her defeat of Dave prior to her arrival.

Elise shifted her chair closer to Liv’s. “How are you? After yesterday. I hope you don’t mind that Maya told me.”

Liv shook her head. “Of course I don’t.” She gave Maya a smile. “Or that Sam told you. To be honest, it makes it easier for me that I don’t have to do the telling.”

Maya took her hand and gave it a squeeze. Just then, the waitress arrived with their tea and scones, so they leaned away from each other to let her deposit everything on the table, and said their thanks as she departed.

Elise placed a scone on Liv’s plate. “Here. You deserve this.”

Maya poured some tea. “Tell us how you’re doing.”

“Fine, to be honest,” Liv said.

“You don’t have to pretend, you know,” Elise said softly.

She shook her head, giving Elise a smile. “I’m not, but thank you. I really don’t give a crap about what happened with Dave. He deserved it, and I’m glad I was the one to give him what he deserved.”

The others were silent for a moment. Then Maya nodded. “Can’t argue with that.”

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