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Brodie stretched in his wet suit, and Liv was sure she caught Ben’s eye being drawn to the flex of Brodie’s biceps.Yas.

A splash in the pool caused her to turn her head toward where Sam and Maya had been left swimming alone, after she and Brodie had gotten out. The splash had resulted from Arran jumping in from a ledge just above the pools. He surfaced, laughing as he ran a hand over the wet tendrils of his hair, the water running down his beautiful face. His eyes sparkled as he turned to Nico. “Come on in, mate! The water’s fine.”

Nico shot him a smile. He was the only other one, apart from Elise and Ben, who wasn’t wearing a wet suit and was still dressed in his shorts, T-shirt, and hoodie. “Not yet. I’m biding my time.”

“What for?” Arran asked, sculling through the water on his back.

Nico glanced over at the only other group left at this particular pool, who had just gotten out of the water and were toweling off. “You’ll see.”

Distracted, Liv couldn’t tear her eyes off Arran as he glided through the water, his long limbs effortlessly graceful in his strokes. She was grateful for the opportunity to watch him from their side of the pool—safely out of his eyeline.

Then, as he reached the shallower edge, he stood, droplets of water flowing down his wet suit and accentuating the way it hugged his lean and muscular form. Liv’s eyes patrolled every ridge and contour, tracing the outlines and imprinting them on her brain so that whenever she closed her eyes, the image of his tight body would be right there behind her eyelids. Then her gaze was drawnlower, to where the fabric defined the bulge between his legs. Fire erupted in her belly, rippling out in hot waves that made her core pulse and her nipples tighten. The water was cold; therefore, logic would dictate that anything on display would be smaller than it might normally appear. So, the fact that that bulge already looked pretty big meant that under normal circumstances…blimey.

Arran picked that very moment, just while she was having inappropriate thoughts about his endowment, to glance up and into her eyes. Her mouth went dry.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Elise muttered from next to her.

“What is it?” Liv asked, guiltily snatching her eyes off Arran.

Elise had her hand placed against the side of her face, shielding her vision from the pools. “Nico’s at it again.”

Liv turned back to look at the ledge Nico had been sitting on and did a double take. He was now fully naked, muscles rippling, one large hand cupping between his legs to keep the show from being X-rated. The arm in use for his self-censorship was the one housing a full sleeve of ink, with a tattoo running from the ball of his shoulder right down to his wrist.

“Please tell me that other group has gone,” Elise whispered, her voice pained.

Liv looked over and confirmed that to be the case. “It’s okay. We’re the only ones here.”

Elise sighed with relief.

Nico jumped in with an almighty splash, finally alerting Arran to what had been going on behind him, as Nico grabbed his legs and dunked him under.

Arran surfaced, laughing as he clocked Nico’s nakedness. “Old habits die hard.”

Nico grinned, running a hand through his wet hair, the tattooed muscles of his arm flexing under his inked sleeve. Liv could swear she could see Elise peeking out at him between her fingers.

“Well, that’s quite the spectacle,” Ben said in an approving tone.

“I wouldn’t know,” Elise replied in a prim voice. “I’m not looking.”

“I am,” said Ben with a smile.

“Me too,” said Brodie, earning him a curious glance from Ben. And perhaps one tinged with a little jealousy?

Liv laughed. “Well, you’re about to see more. Because it’s time for them to get out.” She leaned over to call to the four friends in the pool. “Guys, it’s time to head back if we want to get ready for dinner.”

“Okay, thanks,” Maya replied from where she was holding on to Sam’s shoulders as he pulled her around the pool.

Nico went to hoist himself up onto the side, Arran following. Liv could tell that Nico’s perfectly formed gluteals were on display from the murmurs of appreciation from Ben and Brodie and the stony silence from Elise, though she couldn’t tell by sight because her gaze was too distracted by Arran as he pushed himself up onto the ledge, water droplets clinging to the skintight fabric that hugged the stretch and flex of his muscles. In one lithe movement he swung his legs up to stand, the sight of his appealingly taut arse delighting her vision. She imagined herself sinking her teeth into it, then shook her head to chastise that thought out of her head.

Arran must have had some psychic way of knowing when she was having dirty thoughts about him because he chose that moment to turn and look over his shoulder into her eyes, sending a shock wave throughout her entire body. For a second she thought he gave her the tiniest of smiles, but then Nico threw a towel at him and he caught it, breaking both their gaze and the moment.

“Can you pass me mymakeup bag?” Maya called to Liv.

Liv tossed it across the room and Maya caught it with one hand.

“Nice catch, Miss M,” Liv said, impressed at her friend’s reflexes.

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