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Liv’s excitement about overflowed. “That would be amazing. You’d do such a brilliant job.” She was so proud of his talent; he was genuinely gifted.

He ran a hand over his hair, an adorable blush about his cheeks. “I haven’t mentioned it to many people, except Jess—because I’d like to take Jayce when the time comes. I felt like everyone would think it a pipe dream, or, worse, that I wouldn’t be able to pull it off, and then I’d lose face.” He winced. “I made the mistake of briefly mentioning the idea to my mum a few years back and she was like, ‘Ach, yer total Dundee United. What do you need to go to Japan to look at blossoms for? Just plonk yer arse down in ma garden and paint ma cherry tree.’ ”

Liv chuckled. Arran did a pretty accurate impression of his mum. “Why did she call you a ‘Dundee United’?”

“It’s a Nigerian insult meaning idiot, which Mum enthusiastically embraced from Dad. Mainly to use on me.” Arran rolled his eyes affectionately. “Apparently it came about after Dundee United Football Club had a disastrous tour in West Africa in the 1970s and ended up looking like complete fools.”

Liv smiled. “I think I’m going to adopt it as my favorite insult too.”

He brushed his fingers over the back of her hand, giving her goose bumps. “I knew you’d get it, about Japan and the May blossoms. You always do.”

He held her gaze and she felt as if she might melt. Mesmerized by his eyes, she didn’t really think properly before speaking. “Perhaps we can go together one day.” Immediately, she regretted saying that. It was too forward.

But before she could take it back, Arran closed his hand around hers, giving her a squeeze. “I’d love that.” He smiled. “We could see if we could find your mentor, Mr. Miyagi.”

She laughed, then clutched her stomach when the brief actioncaused her abdominals to go into spasm. “Don’t make me laugh. My abs are sore from my last karate class.”

He shrugged, smiling. “It’s an extra workout for us. Who needs crunches?”

“You don’t need a workout. You’ve already got killer abs,” she said before she could stop herself.

Raising an eyebrow, he studied her. “How do you know?”

She removed her hand from under his to push her glasses up her nose, heat rising in her face. “From last summer when you, Sam, and Nico were lugging the stuff for your studio conversion around with your tops off.”And also from just now when they were pressed against my stomach and I imagined scraping my nails down them.She cleared her throat. “You bunch of posers.”

“Hey. It was hot.” He leaned back. “Anyway, you don’t need the workout either. Some killer abs of your own there, karate kid.”

Liv dipped her head to peer at him over the top of her glasses, covering the fact that her pulse was racing as a result of this conversation regarding each other’s bodies. “And how, pray tell, would you know that? I for one do not parade around with my top off.”

He seemed to swallow a little hard, opening his mouth to speak, then shutting it when his phone buzzed again. He lifted it to study the screen, his face falling.

Frowning, she eyed the shift in his demeanor. “What is it?”

With a sigh, he pocketed the phone again. “It’s Jess. She was going to have Jayce this weekend, but she says something’s come up.”

She studied him. “You finished your painting. So doesn’t that mean you can have the time with Jayce?”

He rubbed his forehead. “I got another project lined up. A big one, and I was banking on getting the hours in this weekend.” He fiddled with his phone. “I don’t like saying no to commissions when I’m still in the process of building my reputation.”

“Ah. I see.” She paused to look at him. “And you don’t like saying no to time with Jayce, nor when Jess needs you.”

An unreadable look passed over his face, and he nodded in confirmation.

The urge to offer to help was too strong to resist. “I’ll come over again.”

“No,” he said, shaking his head. “Not two weekends in a row. You should be enjoying yourself. And last weekend was only meant to be a one-off.”

“If I had something else on, then I wouldn’t offer,” she said. “I like spending time with Jayce.” She grinned. “And I suppose you’re okay too. In small doses, obvs.”

Arran laughed. “You’re not so bad yourself.” His smile faded as he met her eyes. He hesitated for a few seconds, and she could see his mind working. His need not to let anyone down—Jayce, Jess, his clients—battling with his pride over accepting assistance. “Are you sure? I don’t want to be the d-bag who takes advantage.”

Rolling her eyes, she lifted her mug. “It’s not taking advantage. Now, stop fussing and drink your tea.”

He swallowed hard, then nodded, taking a silent sip.

Liv eyed him for a second. “Has Sam spoken to you?”

Arran glanced up. “About what?”

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