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His pulse fired when he realized it was after Jayce’s dinnertime. He’d gotten lost in his work and the day had slipped through his fingers like sand. Poor Liv would be desperate to leave.

Striding to the doorway, he opened it and went down the hall, past the living room and into the kitchen, but Liv and Jayce weren’t around. A flash of color caught his eye through the patio window, and as he moved toward it, he spotted them. Liv was chasing Jayce across the garden, scooping him up and making him squeal with delight.

Warmth flooded his chest. Watching them together always gave him this comforting glow inside.

Liv caught his presence and gave him a wave, coming toward the patio door with Jayce chattering away on her hip.

Arran opened the door for them. “Hey, sorry I’m so late. I got carried away.”

She came through the doorway and into the dining area, setting Jayce down, where he cried, “I’ll get you, dragon!,” then ran off to grab his toy sword and shield from the corner.

“Oof. He’s getting so heavy,” Liv said, rubbing her arms. “And no problem, we’ve been having fun. I hope you made good progress?”

Arran nodded, smiling. “I’ve finished it.”

Her eyes widened. “That’s brilliant. Can I have a look later?”

That was the other thing about Liv. She was so enthusiastic about his art, and really invested in his success. But, he reminded himself, she was the same with everybody. It didn’t mean there was anything special about him.

“Course you can,” he said, shoving his pesky feelings to one side. “I’d love your opinion. But don’t you need to get away?”

She shrugged. “Nah. I figured I’d stay and fix Jayce his dinner while you clean up.”

Guilt needled his chest as he ran a hand over his hair, watching Jayce attack one of the kitchen chairs with his sword. “I can’t ask you to do that, when you’ve already given up your entire afternoon for me.”

Arching an eyebrow, she gave him a mock-stern stare that borderline turned him on. “I wanted to do it because I like helping with Jayce. And now I’m offering to do this too. Because you’re my friend.”

Her friend. That’s all.“That would be awesome, if you’re sure.”

She lifted her hand to rub his cheek and the sensation made his breath catch in his throat.

As she brought her hand away, silver paint residue was apparent on her fingers. Liv smiled. “I’m sure. Because you really need a wash.”

Arran laughed, somewhat dispelling the fiery sensation that her touch had created on his skin. “Charming.”

Grinning, Liv wiped her fingers on a piece of paper towel. “I’m surprised you have any paint left to go on the canvas, when there’s always so much on you.” She moved into the kitchen. “I’ve got something to heat for Jayce’s tea, so you go wash up.”

Jayce turned his attention to the next kitchen chair, apparently having vanquished the first “dragon” and now preparing to defeat number two.

Lingering by the doorway, Arran realized that even though Liv had been in his house for a few hours, he’d hardly seen her. And he didn’t like that. Clearing his throat, he leaned against the doorframe, aware that he shouldn’t suggest what he was about to but couldn’t help himself. “Do you want to hang out for a bit before you go? It’d be nice to get a bit of chat in. You can teach me some karate-master mind control.”

She laughed. “That’s not a thing, Arran.” She hesitated a beat, glancing at him as she warmed a pot on the hob. “But that would be great. I’d love to hang out.” For a second her gaze seemed drawnto where his arms were folded. Then she looked back at the pot and stirred it.

Shifting from one foot to the other, he shoved his hands into his pockets. “Do you want to grab some food? I’ll treat you to a takeaway.”

“I’d love that,” Liv said quickly. She paused, then stirred the pot more fervently. “Thanks.”

“Cool,” he replied, his heart lifting and pushing the corners of his mouth into a smile. This was fine. Two friends having dinner, nothing untoward. “Right. Better get cleaned up, after my friend told me I was stinky.”

“Stinky Daddy,” Jayce sang as he continued to battle invisible dragon number two, indicating that the sneaky blighter was always listening.

Liv laughed. “I only said you had paint on you. You stillsmellreally good.” Her smile faded and she bent toward the pot, fiddling with the heat.

Arran exited the room to let her get on. She was clearly trying to concentrate on what she was doing.

He headed into the master bedroom en suite, taking off his clothing and climbing into the shower. Normally he liked it hot, but for some reason he felt like he needed the cold today. He turned it down a couple of notches. Funny, because February in the Highlands wasn’t very warm.

He quickly finished his shower, drying and dressing. As he pulled on a fresh shirt, the options for dinner ran through his mind. He had a hankering for pizza, and that was Liv’s favorite. She liked pepperoni, and he a veggie supreme. They usually shared half and half whenever the group ordered pizza together. Thank goodness she didn’t like Hawaiian; otherwise, he would’ve had to seriously reconsider their friendship. Fruit had no business on a pizza.

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