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The piper began to play just outside the other end of the gazebo, standing next to the temporary walkway on the grass and just visible through the sheer curtain of fabric that covered that end. That signaled the imminent arrival of the bridal party, and Arran’s heartbeat took on a steady thrum in anticipation of seeing Liv.

Arran glanced at the piper squeezing his bag. He’d never been a huge fan of the instrument’s rather shrill tone. Just then the bagpipes let out a squeak as the piper nearly slipped in something onthe grass. A glance down confirmed that Hamish had left a little present underfoot for their noisy friend. Arran looked across the field at where Hamish was canoodling with the fluffy-looking lady Highland cow.

He smiled to himself.When I marry Liv, we’ll have a string quartet instead.

Fuck. That organic thought had come out of nowhere. And it felt so right.

Arran snapped his gaze up to where Omar and Yvonne, Maya’s parents, were coming down the walkway at the opposite end. He couldn’t see the rest of the bridal party yet.

As they drew closer, he realized he was the only one in the entire congregation who wasn’t straining to see the bride. It was Liv he wanted to lay eyes on.

Maya came into view walking behind her parents, flanked by Hana—her heavily pregnant sister—and her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Rosie, Hana’s fiancée. Maya was beautiful, wrapped in a gown of sea green and blue. But those tones reminded him of only one woman, who was walking behind Maya and her family, holding Elise’s hand.

Elise did look stunning in a floor-length blue gown, but by God it could’ve been any one of the hottest and most beautiful of celebrities walking next to Liv, and they still would’ve paled in comparison.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The long line of her neck and the smooth skin of her bare shoulders. The way her sea-green dress clung to her chest in a fitted bodice, flaring out into a short skirt that swished about her thighs and made him imagine sliding his hand up the outside of her leg, his mouth following suit up the inside of her thigh…

He shifted in an attempt to get his sporran into a shielding position, lest his thoughts be betrayed by what was straining underneath. A true Scotsman wears no underwear with a kilt, after all. Afact that would no doubt be proven at the reception when someone would get pissed and give everyone a flash.Probably Nico.

Then Liv lifted her gaze to his, and it almost appeared that she lost her stride a little. Arran nearly reached out to hold on to Nico’s arm, she made him so weak at the knees.

Liv didn’t look away, continuing to meet his eyes as the party arrived and the two sets of parents greeted each other. He prayed to God that was a good sign.

Arran eventually managed to drag his gaze away from Liv and take in Sam’s face as he met Maya. There were tears in his eyes as he held her face to kiss her, the two sets of parents hugging and taking seats in the front rows.

Arran’s heart swelled as he watched Sam and Maya, knowing with absolute certainty that they were perfect for each other.Not like Jess and me.The more hindsight he gained, the clearer it became that it hadn’t been right. Arran glanced at Nico and noticed that he was staring across at Elise in her satin gown.

Sam took Maya’s hand at the altar and the registrar began the ceremony. Arran sat forward a little, glancing over at the bridal party to sneak another peek at Liv. Her bare legs were crossed as she watched her brother and her best friend.

Nico leaned in. “Check out Ben and Brodie.”

Arran turned his gaze farther back into the congregation. Ben and Brodie were holding hands a few rows back. He shot Nico a smile. “Love is in the air.”

“Yeah,” Nico said in a low voice, smiling back.

Arran had trouble keeping his eyes on the bride and groom, and off the best woman in the green dress. He kept tuning in and out, admiring the way that Liv’s eyes lit up when there was a tender moment between her brother and best friend, and smiling broadly when something humorous was said.

Her hair was swept up and piled on top of her head, with a couple of waves coming down to frame her face. Her eyes were huge and luminescent, outlined in a smoky hue and minus her signature glasses. She must have been wearing her contacts; otherwise, she would’ve stumbled up the aisle. He smiled to himself just as she glanced over and caught his eye, sending a shock wave into his heart.

Sam was saying the vows he’d written. “I promise to always tell you you’re a much better skier than I am.” There was a chorus of laughter from the congregation. “And I promise to keep you in as many scones as you can eat.”

Maya smiled. “I promise to lie to you and say thatyou’rethe best skier.” An even bigger laugh. “And I promise to love and support you, no matter what.”

Sam took her hand. “I promise to love and protect you, no matter what.”

Arran swallowed hard, his gaze drawn back to Liv, finding that she was watching him too. Unable to take his eyes off her, Arran leaned in to Nico. “Liv wouldn’t need me to protect her. She’s such a badass.”

Nico glanced at him, clearly taking in that he was still staring at Liv. He spoke in a low voice. “Guys labor under the misapprehension that all women need from them is their physical protection, when most of the time, what they really need from us is emotional validation and support.” He seemed to dart a quick glance at Elise as he uttered that last sentence.

Arran allowed his eyes to slide back over to Liv’s lovely green-clad form. She’d let him in emotionally. Confessed to him her deepest and most private vulnerabilities, things she’d never told anyone else. Sam had told him that it had enabled her to confide in both her brother and her best friends.

He’d helped her to do that.

His pride rose, but this time for positive reasons. He was proud to have supported the woman he loved. Proud of her for being brave enough to trust him with her emotions. That was where his pride should be rooted—in positive experiences. Not in creating barriers in the way of his own happiness.



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