Page 66 of Silverton Shores

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Jess felt tears stinging as she looked lovingly at the man beside her. The man who’d come all the way to Italy to fight for her. The man who’d embraced his daughter, their daughter, with tears of absolute joy in his eyes. The man who was willing to stand by her no matter what.

‘Thank you, Morgan,’ she whispered. ‘I love you, more than I can put into words.’

‘And I, my beautiful Jess, love you.’ Morgan put his big strong arms around her.

Drawing in a shaky breath, she melted into him as she struggled to accept the fact that the woman who’d raised her wasn’t her biological mother, but her grandmother. It was both devastating and heartening to know that if she could move past this hurt, she and Annie had an entire life to catch up on, and live, together, just like Morgan and Chiara did.

Tipping her gaze up to him, she offered a tender smile. ‘So, Savage, what do we do now?’

Morgan continued holding her tightly. ‘I’m not sure right now,’ he said softly. ‘But I do know that we’ll figure it out together.’

Jess nodded, feeling a sense of comfort in his embrace. She knew there would be a lot of questions and emotions to navigate in the days, weeks and months to come, but she also knew he would always be there for her, and she for him, no matter what.



A year later

One decision had almost altered their lives forever, but then fate had stepped in and offered a helping hand. And man oh man, Jess was so pleased she’d accepted the olive branch, as had Morgan. It had been a tough road, navigating all the potholes left by unearthed secrets, but the three of them had stuck close and the unconditional love she, Morgan and Chiara had for one another had carried them through. Now it felt as if all the pieces of their lives had been put back together, and she felt whole, happy, blessed. She and Morgan had found the end of the rainbow, and it was a magical place, filled with all she’d ever imagined their love, and their life together, could be. Their names were tattooed on each other’s hearts. Engrained for eternity. They were now, and forever, one.

Life had changed so much since the day she received Annie’s letter. She’d spent weeks reeling and coming to terms with the revelation that her whole life had been built on a lie. But with the love and support of Morgan and Annie, she’d finally found the strength to move on and build a new life back in Australia, one that was both honest and fulfilling, with Roberto and Shanti always nearby, for anything, anytime.

Family was absolutely everything, to all of them.

She was relaxing on the swing chair when a soft whine came from behind her, and then a cold wet nose nudged her dangling hand. Laughing, Jess turned to the furry bundle that was Teeny Junior, or TJ for short. ‘Okay, little one, I’m coming,’ she said, patting the puppy’s little head before standing up.

Over on the top step of the homestead’s verandah, Morgan threw a frisbee for TJ to fetch, and Jess couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the little pocket rocket that was TJ, chasing after it alongside his daddy Teeny. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining and the birds were singing. She felt content, happy to be here in this moment, surrounded by so much love. Padding over to where Morgan was now sitting with Teeny panting beside him – TJ was still chasing after the now tumbling frisbee, his little tail wagging with excitement – she sat down beside the man of her dreams and leant into him, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. Smiling, Morgan wrapped his arm around her, and she nestled closer, feeling safe and loved.

Life was good.

Actually, life was perfect.

As she looked out at the sweeping hills and green paddocks that surrounded their home, and then to the cottage that had been put to very good use, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. It was hard to believe that a year had passed since Annie’s letter had turned her world upside down. In that time, she’d come to learn so much about herself, about love, and about the power of family. Life really was unpredictable – sometimes the most unexpected things could lead to the most beautiful outcomes. That was certainly the case for her, Morgan and Chiara. She’d always known she loved him, that he was the one person in the world who could make her feel whole. But it wasn’t until she’d faced the darkest parts of herself that she truly appreciated just how much he meant to her. He’d been her rock during the hardest times and had never once wavered in his support. He’d held her whenever she’d cried, listened when she’d needed to talk, and never judged her for her past mistakes. With him by her side, she felt like she could conquer anything that came their way. And she hoped he felt that she did the same for him. Their love was one that had withstood the test of time, and she knew it would only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.

‘Mum, come out and play with me!’ Chiara squealed from the back lawn.

‘Okay, I’m coming, sweetheart.’

Jess smiled and stood up, feeling Morgan’s arm fall away from her. She stretched her arms and legs before making her way down the steps and towards their daughter. She was going to offer to play catch, but then she thought better of it. Grinning, she grabbed the hose and, fingers poised over the spout, aimed it at Chiara. Racing left to right, Chiara squealed with delight, sometimes missing the spray, other times running straight into it. As she watched her joy, Jess’s heart swelled with love and gratitude. Morgan had proven himself to be every bit the man she’d hoped he would be and more. He was a devoted father to Chiara and a loving partner to her. Through obstacles and adversity, they’d built a beautiful life together, full of laughter and love, and she couldn’t imagine ever wanting anything else.

Feeling a pang in her back, Jess turned the hose off and smiled. ‘Mum needs to sit for a little bit, love, is that okay?’

‘Yes, of course it is,’ Chiara called back, her attention now grabbed by an incoming missile called TJ.

Heading back up the stairs, Jess pondered all the pain, the heartbreak and the struggles that had led to this perfect life with her little family. And she knew that no matter what the future held, they would face it together, with love, laughter and unbreakable bonds. As she settled into the swing chair once again, Morgan sat beside her, his arm draped over her shoulders. They sat in comfortable silence, watching their daughter and puppy play in the yard while Teeny settled himself at their feet. It was moments like these that made Jess realise just how lucky she was.

Ten minutes later, with an ice block in her mouth, Chiara bounced across the verandah towards her great-nonno, who was living his best life by relaxing on the day bed in the shade, his smile as wide as the sunset-filled horizons he so loved to watch every single day. Then after they’d all had some dinner, he’d head back to his cottage to watch the Western movies he loved so much.

‘Nonno, Nonno!’ Chiara hollered, jumping onto the day bed. ‘Tell me the story about when you were a handsome young man, and you stole my great-nonna’s heart.’

Nonno chuckled, his eyes twinkling with joy. ‘Ah, bambina, you want to hear that story again?’

‘Yes, yes, tell me please!’ Chiara bounced up and down, eagerly waiting for the story to begin.

Jess watched the exchange, feeling grateful for the strong family ties that surrounded them. It was easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but moments like this reminded her of the importance of family and the love that held them all together. And as Nonno began his story, Jess leant into Morgan’s side, feeling his arm wrap around her once more. She looked up, catching his gaze, and he smiled down at her, his eyes filled with the same love and appreciation that she felt.

‘You’re amazing,’ he whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her neck. ‘I love you so very much, my sweet Jess.’

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