Page 56 of Silverton Shores

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He needed her too, all of her, now and always.

Gently pressing his lips to the side of her neck, he trailed kisses up to the very place he knew drove her wild. Nibbling and sucking, he paused to whisper just how much he wanted her. A soft moan escaped her, and goosebumps raced over her skin. Then she held his gaze as she began undoing each button of his shirt. He brought his hands up to caress her breasts, slowing his touch as he brushed over her rock-hard nipples. A low growl was his reply to her fingertips trailing down his chest. Her lips parted, and he met her there with a bone-melting kiss. She returned the favour, igniting every nerve in his body as they manoeuvred their way towards the bed.

She tumbled backwards, and wriggled over to make room for him. Undoing his belt, then the zipper of his chinos, he finally bared every inch of himself to her. Her eyes blazed with hunger as she silently beckoned him to her. But he held back. Stayed by the side of the bed. For a breath, and then another, he admired her shapely silhouette lit softly by the leadlight lamp. He was lost to her, completely. More than he’d ever been. Sliding in beside her, he rolled her onto her back and climbed over her. He pressed up on his hands as she cradled him between her thighs. He held nothing back as he explored her every curve, every angle, relishing how she was melting beneath his lingering kisses. He moved, slowly, and she found his rhythm. He took his time, knowing this might be the only chance he got to make love to her like he’d been aching to.

But he prayed that this wouldn’t be so.

Crying out his name, she dug her heels into the backs of his thighs, forcing him deeper. He gave her what she asked for. Her fingers dragged through the hair at his nape and she pulled him closer still. Her head fell back as she dug her nails into the skin of his back. He thrust faster, deeper, his laboured breath matching hers. She was close. So close. But he wasn’t ready for her to freefall just yet. Lingering and holding her gaze, he paused, waited, and watched her unravel. She bit down on her lip in an attempt to suppress her cries of release. Then, and only then, did he take her wrists into his hands and gently pin them above her head. In this erotic breathless moment, he wondered whether he’d ever get enough of her. Her tight muscles rippled around him. He was close now, too. So very close. She moaned into his mouth as he hit her spot. Arching her back, she grasped his shoulders, every inch of her tightening as she trembled. And he chased her higher, higher, until the brink was both of theirs to savour. Reaching the pinnacle, he tumbled over with her.

Satiated, breathless and deeply in love, he rolled over to the side, bringing her with him and cradling her against his chest. He’d never felt so alive. He knew he’d never be the same again. It was a slow descent from whatever place he’d hovered and soared to with her, but once he’d fully landed he relished the way her body was still pressed against his.

He’d never felt so … whole.

And he didn’t ever want to let her go.



Sleep began to release Jess from its embrace, and as she rose to the surface of reality, she felt lighter, happier, loved. For a few blissful breaths, she savoured the rise and fall of Morgan’s burly chest as his heart drummed beneath her cheek, slow and steady. The sheets were wrapped around their tangled legs, and their arms were wrapped around each other. She wanted to stay like this. Forever. Recalling how his touch had teetered between gentle and soothing, to hungry and heated, and the way his gaze had been faultlessly reassuring, she sighed ever so softly. If only she could stay here all day, pretending the outside world didn’t exist. Pretending they had a future, a life they could share. Pretending that he knew her secret. Pretending that he had understood why she’d kept such a thing from him, and immediately forgiven her. Pretending she knew the outcome of the test, and that the three of them could become the family they should have been.

Glancing up at his rugged handsomeness, she smiled. Last night, and all through the night, their lovemaking had been magical. And the look in his eyes when he’d leant in and kissed her, knowing they were about to make love … even now, it sent flashes of hungry heat through her. Never had she felt so alive, so satisfied, more herself than ever before. She didn’t want to regret this. She wanted to remember his every caress, his every kiss, his every groan, fondly, tenderly, lovingly.

To do that, she needed to get out of here.


Before anyone discovered her in his room.

Carefully, she shifted to the side of the bed then, one foot after the other, planted herself to the floor. Her clothes were scattered all around the place. Quietly scooping each item up, she slipped everything back on. Morgan stirred and rolled onto his side. Freezing, she held her breath. She didn’t want to explain why she was rushing out of there. Then, tiptoeing out of the room, she made her way just as quietly down the hallway to the fire exit, where she quickened her steps until she was out of sight and heading towards the sun-drenched coastline.

Slowing turning her face to the sunshine, she closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath of the fresh sea air drifting through the overhanging trees. Her heels dangling from her fingertips, she followed a little path that would lead her to a private beach where she hoped to goodness nobody was up just yet. Given the lateness of the reception, she guessed most people would still be sleeping their hangovers off. When the untainted view of the ocean met her eyes she brought her hand over her chest to where her heart was still racing from the events of the night before, and she couldn’t help but feel a sense of regret slowly creeping up. She didn’t regret being with Morgan, she couldn’t, but she did regret that she had to leave so abruptly. She knew he’d be hurt when he woke without her there, but there was no way on this earth she was going to spend today explaining what they’d been up to all night long to anyone who discovered them together.

With her mind and heart in a spin, she made her way down to the shoreline, the sparkly white sand soft and warm beneath her feet. The ebb and flow of the crashing waves helped to calm her nerves, but only a little. Sinking down and hugging her knees to her, she closed her eyes, breathing in a lungful of the salty air. And little by little, she began to find her balance and put things into perspective. Finally feeling at peace with what had happened between them, she wanted to stay in this moment forever, to forget about the real world and all its problems, to believe with all of her heart that she and Morgan were going to work things out, that they were somehow, some way, going to end up back together, living as a happy family at Savage Acres with Chiara showered by their love for each other, and her.

The perfect end to what could have been a tragic love story.

But she knew that was impossible. She had responsibilities, people who depended on her. She couldn’t stay here forever, no matter how much she wanted to. She opened her eyes, taking in the beauty around her. The ocean stretched out before her, endless and full of wonder. Seagulls soared overhead, their cries echoing in the air. With the water reaching and lapping at her feet, she got lost in her thoughts as she replayed the events of the night before. She wanted to run back to Morgan, to feel his touch and be wrapped in his embrace. She wanted to feel the intimate passion they’d shared for only the second time in their lives, to relive the ecstasy that had consumed her. Over and over again. But she knew it was impossible. Not only did she not want people asking questions she didn’t know the answers to, she also couldn’t live with herself for succumbing to him again before she’d told him what she should have all those years ago. Then they could have worked it all out together.

Shrill ringing in her handbag made her jump, and she quickly reached in to grab her phone. There was no caller ID. ‘Hello?’

‘Jess, grazie a dio mi hai ascoltato.’ Her nonno’s voice was rushed, almost indecipherable.

‘Nonno, what’s wrong?’ Hearing his urgent tone made her insides knot with tension. ‘And please slow down and try and speak English.’

‘Tesoro, it’s Chiara.’

Sudden anxiety roiled her gut as she shot to her feet. ‘Oh my god, what’s happened to her?’

‘No, mi scusi, she’s safe, but she’s very upset.’ He inhaled sharply. ‘Salvatore told her he didn’t want her coming to stay with him this weekend, because he’s too busy.’

‘Oh my goodness, poor Chiara.’ Blinking back tears, she felt her mum hat slip on, nice and tight. ‘I’ll be on the first plane I can get a seat on.’

‘It’s only two more nights before you fly home, we can wait until then to see you.’

‘No, Nonno, I’m not leaving her a moment longer than I have to. Not when she’s so upset.’

‘Okay, I understand, and I’m so sorry, Jess.’ Her nonno’s voice broke.

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