Page 52 of Silverton Shores

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‘Righto, let me get you a cinnamon scroll and a biscuit to start with.’ She passed him the goodie-laden plate.

Morgan took a bite of the scroll and let out a moan of pleasure. ‘Oh my goodness, Jess, this is incredible,’ he said with his mouth full.

She smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction. ‘I’m glad you like it.’

‘Like it?’ He looked shocked. ‘I love it!’

‘Yay! Mission accomplished,’ she said gratefully. ‘I’ll just get this stew going, and then we’ll get cracking with the roses, hey?’

‘Sounds like a plan,’ he garbled through his bite of the biscuit. ‘Wow, this is yum too!’ More pleasure-filled moans followed.

Needing to do something with her hands, other than grab Morgan by the collar and kiss him again, Jess picked up the first rose. She tore the bud from the top, and then sprinkled the velvety petals into the bucket. Then she repeated, and repeated, and repeated, and Morgan joined her, until all fifty roses were plucked naked and the bucket was now overflowing with a mountain of silky red petals. The sweet, floral aroma filled the air, and she smiled as she envisioned Shanti walking down her pretty petal aisle. The task had been tedious, but it was worth it. Resting her hands on her hips, she stretched side to side, trying to ease out her lower back.

Beside her, Morgan rolled his shoulders, then pressed his knuckles into his neck. ‘Who would’ve thought that plucking rose petals would be so demanding?’

‘Ha, yeah, tell me about it. I’ll be glad when the bucket of petals is safely tucked up in the fridge.’ She grimaced, her hands going to the rocks deep within her shoulders. ‘I feel like my body has been hit by a truck.’

‘I can give your shoulders a rub, if you like,’ Morgan said casually.

She turned to face him, her eyes lighting up at the offer. ‘That would be amazing, thank you.’

‘Okay then, one shoulder massage coming up.’ He gestured to the dining chair. ‘Pull up a seat and get yourself comfy.’

‘Yes, sir,’ she said spiritedly, following his orders quick smart.

He came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, applying just the right amount of pressure. She groaned in relief, her muscles slowly loosening beneath his touch. She couldn’t help but notice the way his strong hands felt on her skin, how her body responded to his touch, and how a pleasurable warmth was spreading throughout her. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh, the tension in her body slowly draining away with each of his skilled strokes.

‘Mmm, that feels so good,’ she murmured.

‘Good, I’m glad I can help.’

Moving fluidly, rhythmically, he progressed his hands downwards, to her upper back, kneading the muscles with what felt like practised expertise. Succumbing to his touch, she couldn’t help but lean into his fingers, all the while with her body craving him more and more, and like a match to kindling, her body was set on fire. She bit her lip, imagining his talented hands running all over her.

‘Is that better?’ Morgan’s voice was low and smooth, sending quivers all over her.

‘Mmm, much better,’ she purred, turning her head to look at him.

Their eyes met, and in that moment the desire between them was palpable.

She needed to stop this.


‘I reckon all the knots are well and truly gone.’ Easing out of his reach, she offered a sideways glance as she stood. ‘Thank you, Savage.’

Sharp intelligence filled his gaze. ‘Good, mission accomplished.’ It was clear he knew she was trying to put distance between them.

She broke eye contact with him. How in the hell could he drive her insane, and make her want him, in equal measure? Getting back to dinner preparations, she fought to keep her mind on the job, all the while feeling Morgan watching her.

‘I’m really not that enthralling,’ she finally said.

‘Actually, you are.’ His voice wrapped around her, turning her towards him.

‘Morgan, we can’t keep doing this.’

‘Doing what?’ He shrugged as if bewildered by her comment.

‘You know exactly what.’ She took steps, stopping just short of him. ‘A lot has changed in nine years, and we don’t want to hurt one another by delving into remembrances of our past.’

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