Page 46 of Silverton Shores

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Annie took a deep drag on her cigarette and exhaled, the smoke curling around her face. The resounding silence was thick, almost suffocating, as she stared at him with a mixture of guilt and defiance. ‘You’re really going to do this, aren’t you?’

‘I have to. I can’t keep living with this hanging over my head.’ Morgan stood up, feeling both relieved and nervous as the words left his mouth. ‘If you haven’t told her before she’s ready to go back to Florence, I’m going to take it as my indication to tell her everything I know.’

Annie nodded slowly, her expression difficult to read. ‘I guess I can’t stop you.’

‘No, you can’t,’ Morgan said, his voice firm. ‘But I’m not doing this to hurt you, Annie. I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do.’

Annie’s eyes flashed with anger. ‘And what about me? Do you even care about the consequences of your actions if you go and tell her?’

Morgan’s heart sank, but he knew he had to do what was right. ‘I understand it will put you in a really awkward place, but it’s not fair to keep this from her. She has a right to know.’

‘You’ve always been a man of morals, Morgan, I’ll give you that much.’ She let out a weighty, impatient sigh, as ashes fell onto the carpet. ‘But you do realise you’re risking everything, right? Our friendship, Jess’s trust, your relationship with her?’

‘I know.’ He ran a hand through his hair, nerves starting to get the best of him. ‘But as I’ve reiterated, it’s the right thing to do. And I’ll face the consequences, whatever they may be.’

Annie took another drag on her cigarette before stubbing it out in the overflowing ashtray. Then, with the slightest of smiles, she fastened her steely gaze to his. ‘Please, leave, and if you say anything, anything at all, I’ll never forgive you.’

He nodded, feeling an odd sense of closure. ‘Okay, I’ll see myself out. Try and take care of yourself, and even though you may think you hate me right now, I’m here if you need anything, anything at all,’ he said as he walked away.

Racing footsteps came up behind him, and as he stepped out the doorway and turned around, the door slammed shut in his face. He stood there for a few moments, considering his next move. Should he walk away, and keep his mouth shut, or should he do what his heart was telling him to? Was it even his place to set a foot into their lives? Damn straight it was. Jess was his world, and he owed her that much.

As he retraced his steps towards his Troopy, the first few drops of rain began to fall. He slid into the driver’s seat, took a deep breath and leant back against the seat, his mind spinning with thoughts and emotions. Annie’s words echoed heartbreakingly in his head.

If you say anything, anything at all, I’ll never forgive you …

Starting the engine, he took one last look towards the duplex and prayed that in time she would.

Three hours later, Morgan walked over to the kitchen window and gazed out at the wide-open pastures now flooded with the rosy hues of sunset. His land was undeniably beautiful, but his heart was way too heavy to relish it. He couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt and dread that had settled in his chest since he’d left Annie’s place. But he’d made a promise to himself and it was a promise he intended to keep, no matter the cost to himself. The thought of being the one to break Jess’s heart as he shattered her world, of having a front-row seat to witness the trust and love she held for him disappearing before his very eyes, made him feel sick to his stomach. Fundamentally, he wanted to protect her, to shield her from the harsh realities of life, to bring her nothing but joy, but the truth was necessary, no matter how painful. Maybe, possibly, by some miracle, Jess might see what he had to tell her as a blessing.

He was just about to head upstairs for a shower when a knock at the front door had him turning in the opposite direction. His strides were determined as the rapping got louder, more insistent. ‘I’m coming.’ He yanked the door open to see a red-eyed, puffy-faced Annie. ‘Hey.’ He stepped aside, and she stepped in beside him. ‘Are you okay?’

Annie shook her head, and without a word she crumpled into him. Hugging her, he silently consoled her as she sobbed her heart out, as his own heart sank even lower. And he remained quiet until she seemed to regroup a little, just enough to untangle her arms from around him, and step back.

She barely met his gaze. ‘Jess isn’t here, is she?’

‘No, she isn’t home yet.’ He reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. ‘I’m so sorry, Annie, I didn’t mean to upset you like this.’

Nodding, Annie sighed heavily, her tears slowing. ‘I know you didn’t, Morgan. But you have to understand this is a very delicate situation.’

He nodded, rubbing her back soothingly. ‘I know. And I’m sorry for putting you in this position. I just couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. It just feels wrong, in every way.’

Annie wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. ‘I understand that. And I’m sorry for how I reacted earlier. It’s just …’ She trailed off, looking down at her feet.

‘It’s just?’ Morgan asked gently.

‘It’s just that I’m scared, okay?’ Annie blurted out. ‘I’m scared of what will happen when Jess finds out the truth.’

‘I know you are. But keeping something like this from her isn’t fair to anyone.’ He put a hand on her shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. ‘And I’ll be here for both of you during this difficult time, you know that, right?’

‘Yes, I wouldn’t expect any less from you.’ Annie looked up at him, tears still glistening in her eyes. ‘Thank you, Morgan.’ Her gaze softened. ‘I appreciate your concern for Jess, because as you know, I love her dearly, too.’

‘I know you do.’ He briefly squeezed his eyes against rising raw emotions. ‘I could only imagine how confronting this is for you. Is there anything I can do to make it easier?’

‘No, this is something I have to do myself.’ She wrung her hands. ‘Although, I do have one request.’

‘Yes, anything.’ His heart rate quickened as he waited anxiously. ‘Annie?’ His mind raced with what it could possibly be. Was she about to ask him to distort the truth? To lie to Jess? He braced himself for the worst.

Annie took a deep breath before speaking, her voice barely a whisper. ‘Please give me some time to think about this. I need to figure out the best way to approach the situation without hurting anyone more than necessary.’

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