Page 36 of Silverton Shores

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Jess shook her head. ‘No, it’s not okay. I was wrong to leave you like that. I never should’ve walked away, no matter how broken I was.’

Although grateful for her apology, he wanted to let her know he was compassionate about what she was going through at the time of her sudden departure. ‘I understand you left me because you needed time to figure things out, I just wish you’d come back to me after you did.’

‘Thank you for understanding.’ She looked down at her wringing hands, and then back at him, blinking fast. ‘I should’ve talked to you, explained what was going on in my head. I just … I was scared I’d never be able to put myself back together after losing Mum and Dad like that.’ Her voice trailed off as she looked at him with sadness in her eyes.

He felt a rush of sympathy for her. He knew what it was like to be scared, to be unsure of what to do next. ‘Honestly, it’s okay, Jess. We all make mistakes.’

Her eyes glimmered with unshed tears. ‘I never stopped thinking about what I did to you.’

Morgan’s heart skipped a beat. Could it be possible that she still had feelings for him? Was she about to tell him that?

Please, please, please …

‘I want you to know that I’ll do everything in my power to maintain the wonderful friendship we’ve formed.’

His heart sank. ‘I appreciate that, and your apology, I truly do.’

‘Thank you for being such a wonderful man.’ She stood and came to his side. ‘Can we hug it out?’

He stood, took her into his arms and held her tight. Feeling her warmth pressed against him, he couldn’t help but be transported back to the times when they were together. The way she fitted perfectly into him, the way her body moulded against his. It was like they were made for each other. And as they pulled apart, he couldn’t deny the pang of desire that amplified inside of him. The way her eyes fluttered open, the way her lips parted, it was like she was inviting him into her. But he knew better. He knew he couldn’t allow himself to get caught up in the moment. Not when they’d just rekindled their friendship. Yes, he was still in love with her, but she was just a friend now, and he couldn’t deny the relief he felt that they’d cleared the air between them.

Hours later, with his gaze lost out the kitchen window, he was contemplating just how easily Jess had slipped back into his heart, and his life. Her heartfelt apology had meant the absolute world and, if anything, it made him love her deeper, harder. Watching the setting sun paint golden hues across the sky, his thoughts drifted back to the days they’d openly loved one another. The way she used to look at him, with so much love, so much hope, so many promises. He missed being the man she wanted to be with for the rest of her life and couldn’t help but wonder what their children would’ve looked like, what they would’ve grown up to become. Just how she had a way of bringing out the very best in him, she would’ve also brought out the best in their kids. And the loss of that future made his heart squeeze painfully tight. But he couldn’t allow himself to drown in the sorrow of it. Those days were gone. He had to move forward.

* * *

The soft swish of her dress had him turning to find himself completely lost for words. With her hair twisted into an elaborate bun at the nape of her slender neck, a few loose curls around her face, and fine dangly earrings complementing her toenails and elegant dress, she looked like royalty. He couldn’t help but feel his heart skip a beat at the sight of her. It was like seeing her for the first time all over again and a pang of desire coursed through him as he admired all that was her.

She smiled at his obvious loss for words, a hint of shyness in her gaze. ‘So, Mr Savage, how do I look?’

‘You, Miss Sabatini,’ and relieved he’d found his voice amid the breath she’d just stolen from him, his smile morphed into a full-throttle beam, ‘look absolutely stunning.’ Her sweet, musky perfume reminded him of nutmeg, honey and wildflowers.

Returning from turning in a full circle, she had a blush on her cheeks. ‘Why, thank you.’ Playfully curtseying, her hands went to her hips as she looked him up and down. ‘And I have to say, you’ve scrubbed up pretty dapper yourself.’

Her compliment made his swooning heart race even faster. ‘It’s amazing what a bit of hair gel and a suit can do, hey.’ He struck a heroic pose. ‘Just call me Bond, James Bond.’

She laughed, the sound like music to his ears. ‘Well, Bond, James Bond,’ she joked, ‘which of your snazzy cars are you taking me to the ball in tonight?’

‘That’s for me to know, and you to find out.’ Her banter was damn sexy. ‘I can tell you, though, it’s not going to be in some dingy taxi.’

‘Aw, I’m intrigued.’ She stepped a little closer, curiosity prowling in the green of her eyes.

As if on cue, the crunch of tyres on gravel drew his gaze out the window. ‘Come, my queen.’ He offered her the crook of his arm. ‘Your chariot awaits.’

She accepted his gesture, and together they headed outside to the stretch limo he’d ordered from the neighbouring township. It had cost him a pretty penny, but from the astonished look on her face, it was worth every cent. He watched with amusement as she stared at the car in disbelief.

‘Wow, you really went all out,’ she said, turning to him with a wide smile. ‘You always did know how to make an impression.’

‘I thought you’d like it,’ he replied, opening the door for her.

As they settled into the plush seats, Jess couldn’t stop admiring the luxurious interior. ‘This is amazing.’ She ran her hand over the suede upholstery. ‘I feel like a celebrity.’

‘Good.’ Morgan chuckled. ‘Because you deserve to feel special.’

‘Thanks, Morgan. That means a lot to me.’ Their eyes locked in a breathless moment, then she looked away, her cheeks flushing.

He regarded her as she gazed out the window, his heart pounding in his chest. The way the golden light of the setting sun danced across her delicate features made her look all the more beautiful. If that were even possible. As the driver pulled away and headed out of the front gates of Savage Acres and towards town, he found himself stealing more glances, unable to shake the feeling that this was a moment he’d remember for the rest of his life.

Way too soon, they were pulling up in front of the RSL. Arm in arm, they walked through the doors of the private dining room. Jess’s eyes widened as she breathed in the elaborately decorated space. Red velvet drapes hung from ceiling to floor, and lit candles flickered down the centre of the table.

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