Page 26 of Silverton Shores

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‘Morgan?’ Her sweet voice broke through his thoughts. ‘You okay?’

‘Yeah, all good.’ Taking a deep breath, he pushed away his fears and met her eyes, smiling as best he could. ‘I’ll never forget our time together, Jess. Never.’

‘Good.’ She returned his smile and nodded. ‘And neither will I.’

With a stoic sigh, Morgan squeezed her hand, then released her, shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side, where he jumped behind the steering wheel and revved the four-wheel drive to life. Needing a long moment before looking at her again, he backed out of the car park, stopped at the T-junction, indicated, and turned towards home.

Rubbing his five o’clock shadow, he relished the darkness of night surrounding them as he thought about what he was going to say next. He was overcome by the need to let Jess know how he felt about her and to somehow explain that he didn’t need her to do anything with the knowledge other than be aware of his feelings. What did he have to lose by being honest, at least about this? Maybe it might help lighten the load on his shoulders, and his heart.

He hesitated for a moment before finally speaking up. ‘Jess, there’s something I need to tell you,’ he said, his heart racing with anticipation.

Ear-ringing silence was his only reply.

Fleetingly glancing sideways at his precious cargo, he saw she’d curled up against the door and fallen asleep, with her head resting on his rolled-up Driza-Bone. He quickly made sure the central locking was on before taking another appreciative glance at her. How she could look so beautiful every second of every day, even in sleep, with her mouth hanging open and little snores now echoing, was beyond him. A faint smile formed. He was one lucky SOB to have made love to her that one mesmerising time, even though it was all those years ago, when he’d been a clumsy, inexperienced virgin.

Looking ahead again, he was quietly relieved fate had stopped him from blurting everything out, because once he started the honesty ball rolling, after he’d revealed how much he still loved her, he might have gone on to tell her about Annie, and what she was keeping from her. And that, right now, would have been a very bad idea. Something that life-altering wasn’t a topic of conversation when alcohol had been enjoyed a little too much.

Get a grip on yourself, Savage, before you do something stupid …

Shaking his head, he continued the drive home, determined not to disturb the beautiful woman beside him. At least not until they pulled up at the cottage. For now, he was going to enjoy the silence, and her nearness, and try not to think about how he was going to deal with the inevitable goodbyes in a week’s time. He knew without a shadow of doubt that she’d forever remain the woman he’d never be able to get out of his mind, or heart, no matter how hard he tried. She was his greatest grief, and his greatest love, all rolled into one gorgeous package. It was the most heartbreakingly tragic thing he’d ever experienced, having loved her, then lost her. But he’d never want to have lost out on the experience, the chance, to have loved her so deeply.

And he still did.

A flash of lightning lit up the sky and landscape as if it were daytime, and a booming crack of thunder echoed in the distance. Moments later, the sky cracked open and hard droplets of rain pelted the Troopy. Jess didn’t move a muscle. Armageddon wouldn’t even be able to wake her. Turning off the highway and down the long road that would eventually lead them to Savage Acres, he turned his undivided attention to Mother Nature’s sudden deluge. He flicked the windscreen wipers on to top speed, and soon realised they were no match for the torrential downpour. Slowing, he cautiously leant forward. He was having a tough time seeing the white lines, let alone the sides of the road. The last thing he wanted was to lose traction or, worse still, hit stray livestock.

Slow and steady, he’d get them home safely.

Flicking the demister on, he smelt the raw, invigorating perfume of renewal and promise floating through the air vents, reminding him there was always a glimmer of hope for a fresh start. It was good to remember that things could always turn around for the better. Just how that was so, given his situation with Jess, he hadn’t a damn clue, but he was going to cling to the concept, as it gave him some kind of peace. Settling into this feeling, he drove cautiously through the storm, his mind still consumed with thoughts of his stunning passenger. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have her back in his life. Even as a friend. It meant the world. One day he hoped to meet her daughter. If only Chiara was his, now wouldn’t that have been magical. He would’ve been so proud to be the father of Jess’s child. Just the thought of the three of them, living as a family, made him long for such a miracle. But at least, beside him for now, Jess’s soft breathing soothed his anxious heart. He knew he’d do anything to protect her, to keep her safe from harm, and that protection extended to her child, too.

By the time he drove through the front gates of Savage Acres, the rain had subsided to a light drizzle. He breathed a sigh of relief as he pulled up in front of the cottage and turned off the engine. Gazing over at Jess, he gently touched her arm and watched as she stirred.

Blinking her eyes open, she sat up, her hair now in disarray. ‘Oh, hey, we’re home.’ She rubbed her face. ‘Sorry I feel asleep.’

‘Nah.’ His heart swelled with warmth at the sight of her smile. ‘All good.’ He got out of the car and ran around to the passenger side, opening the door for her.

She kicked her heels off, gathered them and her handbag together and stepped out. ‘Thanks, Morgan.’ Her hand clasped his tightly as they made their way towards the cottage, both of them dodging puddles of water. ‘Did it rain heaps on the way home?’

‘Did it ever.’ He chuckled. ‘I don’t know how you slept through it.’

‘I reckon it might have been a wine-induced coma.’ She giggled and shook her head as they climbed the four front steps.

‘Thank you, Morgan,’ she whispered, letting go of his hand. ‘For being so kind and letting me be a part of your life after everything that’s happened.’ She sniffled and blinked faster. ‘It means a lot, and I hope you know that.’

Hating seeing her upset, Morgan struggled to hold his composure. ‘You’re welcome, Jess,’ he said, his voice cracking.

A tear rolled down her cheek, and she quickly brushed it away.

‘Oh, please don’t cry.’ He pulled her into a hug, and she softened into him, her arms going around his back.

Then they just stood there, clinging to each other.

‘I’ll always be here for you,’ he said tenderly.

‘I know you will be,’ she murmured into his chest. ‘And I’ll always be here for you, too, if you ever need me. No matter that I live thousands of miles away.’

Her last sentence hit home, mighty hard. Morgan didn’t answer. He couldn’t. The lump in his throat had grown so thick that he couldn’t have uttered a single word if he’d wanted to. All he could do was hold her close and pray that the moment would never end.

After a little while, she pulled back and smiled at him, her eyes bright with more unshed tears. ‘We’ll always be connected, you and me.’

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