Page 65 of Slate

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“It’s okay, sweetheart. Uncle Gio is there, wait with him,” I tried to make my voice sound as mild as possible. My little girl had seen too much in her short life, and she didn’t need to see what was coming next.

“You like scaring little girls, don’t you?” I said once we were alone, my fist worked overtime on his face until my hand was covered in blood and his grip on me went slack.

The fucker didn’t know when he was beaten, despite the blood pouring from his nose he spat on the floor and looked at me. “She conned you into claiming the brat,” he said with a laugh. “How cute.”

I let go of him as he slumped to the floor. Almost in slow motion I saw his arm reach out for his gun and the click as he took off the safety.

I flashed a smile and before he knew what was happening, I’d pulled out my gun and aimed it at him, squeezing the trigger before he even took aim.

Mark’s eyes were wide and then they were dead as his legs crumpled and he fell to the floor.

I left him where he lay and walked out of the house to where my brothers stood in a protective circle around Emma and Ash.

Emma spotted me before Ash did and ran over, wrapping her arms around me. “Slate,” she cried out and buried her face against my chest.

“Daddy,” my daughter’s voice called out as she came running over wrapping her little arms around my legs. I scooped her up, so she was safe between me and her mom. Our arms protecting her from harm.

“You’re okay,” I whispered to her. “We’re all okay.”

Emma pulled back but her hands continued to rub and soothe Ash as if she needed to touch her to make sure she was all right. She blinked and looked up at me with a watery smile. “You came for us.”

“Of course I did.” I dropped a kiss on top of her head. “I’ll always make sure my girls are safe.” That was my new goal in life, to do whatever I could to make sure they were happy and healthy. Safe. That was my job moving forward.

“You came,” she cried out and shook her head.

“I did,” I murmured and turned them around, herding them towards the van where Gio waited to take them home. “Keep them safe until I get back.”

Gio nodded. “Got it, boss. You ladies ready for the handsomest escort in all of Nevada?” He flashed a smile to ease the tension, helping them into the van.

Emma stopped and turned to face me. “You’re not coming?”

“Not yet. I’ve got a bit of cleanup to take care of, but I’ll be there. I promise.” I took her hands in mine and met her gaze until she saw the truth of my words. “I promise, Emma.”

She nodded, unhappy but resigned the way all our old ladies are when we leave. “Be careful,” she whispered before she pushed up on her toes and pressed a slow, hot kiss against my lips. Her hands curled into fists around the fabric of my t-shirt, and she moaned gently. “Be careful,” she said again before she released me.

“I will. I have a lot to come home to,” I told her with a cocky smile. “See you soon.”

Chapter 38


“Mommy’s okay,” I assured Ash for what felt like the hundredth time. From the moment I slid into the van, she latched herself onto me and she refused to let go. “I promise. How are you?”

She shook her head, eyes still brimmed with tears. “Mommy, I was so scared.”

Of course she was. Mark was a madman who didn’t give a damn who he hurt. “I know but you survived it baby. You survived it because you’re strong. So strong.” I held her close, squeezing her tight until she felt safe, and the adrenaline left her body. Once we got back to Slate’s home she slept deeply in my arms, and I sat there on the sofa and watched my baby as she slept, feeling sorrow that my choices had impacted her so severely.

We all pay for our parents’ sins, but I hated that she had to pay such a steep price for my sins and my bad choices. But that was all behind me. I dropped a kiss on the top of her head and sat there for I don’t know how long and watched her sleep. I hoped she dreamed of butterflies and unicorns and fairy princesses instead of what happened to her today.

The garage door slid open and down again. Minutes later, Slate appeared in front of me looking exhausted and dirty. “Hey.”

“Hey,” I whispered. “Want me to get her to bed?” His expression was full of hope, and I couldn’t turn him down.

“Yes, please.” I smiled up at him when he drew closer and reached for Ash, holding her close like she was as precious to him as she was to me. “Thanks.” I followed Slate up to Ash’s room and watched as he removed her shoes and her top layer of clothes before he tucked her into bed. “You’re getting pretty good at that.”

His lips curled up at the corners. “Thanks.”

“I need to wash the day away,” I said on a sigh and made my way to our bedroom and the bathroom attached to it. I slipped off my clothes and turned on the shower.

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