Page 38 of Slate

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She giggled and I knew she was all right. “It was so good. You can have this piece.”

“Thanks, kid.”

The tension left my body, and I sagged against the wall just as my phone rang. Without looking, I answered. “Hello?”

“Ms. Roberts, it’s Sheriff Cross. We need you to come in again.”

A shaky sigh escaped, and I dug my fingertips into my closed eyes and bit back a grunt. It wasn’t as if I could decline, especially considering everything. “Yeah, fine. I’ll be there soon.” I ended the call and quickly got dressed.

“You’re dressed.” Slate’s gaze raked over me from head to toe, there was disappointment in his eyes.

“Yeah, but I’m not going anywhere, what you said just before? You’re right, it’s safer if I stay with you.” I saw the look of relief cross his face. I gave him a weak smile, then flicked a gaze towards Ash. “Sheriff Cross just called and requested that I come in. Again. Are you two going to be okay for a little while?” I crossed my fingers behind my back that it wouldn’t be forever.

The way he smiled at Ash settled my nerves and warmed my heart. No matter what happened to me, Ash would be safe. “Ash will keep me in line, I’m sure.” He winked and she giggled.

“Great. Then I’ll be back when I can.”


The drive to the sheriff’s office was nerve-wracking. My mind wandered to the other day and the person who’d been following me. I was sure it was Mark, but without proof all I had was a suspicious mind and shaky hands. It was daytime and the roads were busy, so I felt safer, but still, my eyes wandered to the cars all around me as I drove, which made the drive feel two hours long instead of ten minutes.

By the time I arrived I was a wreck, and I gave myself five full minutes of deep-breathing exercises before I went inside. I was as calm as I could possibly be given the circumstances as well the events of the past couple of weeks, when Sheriff Cross ushered me into his office rather than another suffocating cement box.

“Thanks for coming in.” He offered a smile that I might’ve considered handsome if he wasn’t trying to put me in prison.

I dropped down in the chair across from where he sat at his desk. It felt like a standoff of sorts, and I found myself gripping the arms of the chair. “What can I do for you today, Sheriff?”

He offered up a patient smile and studied me for a long minute. I gave him nothing in return. I didn’t flinch or swallow or look away, simply stared back with a blank expression on my face. “Have you heard from Alex?”

“I have not,” I sighed, thankful Slate suggested that I call his number a few times each day to check on him. “When I call, the phone goes straight to voicemail.”

His brows arched and surprise was written all over his face. “You’ve been calling him?”

“Of course,” I said, hoping my voice sounded calm. “I left messages, but now I get a message saying that the mailbox is full. Until he returns my calls everyone will continue to think I’m the reason he disappeared.”

That answer seemed to satisfy him. “Do you or Alex know anyone in Florida?”

I frowned. “I don’t. I’ve never been and as far as I know, Alex doesn’t either but who knows who he met at medical conferences all around the country.”

“His phone pinged close to Miami and his credit was used to make several purchases. There were no cameras so we can’t confirm if it was him.” His eyes tracked every muscle twitch, every breath.

“I don’t know what you want me to say. He didn’t tell me much of anything about his friends other than the few who sometimes came to the house.” Which always turned into a disaster.

He stared at me.

I stared back.

We were locked in a staredown, a battle of wills before finally, the sheriff looked away. “This is suspicious Emma and whether we like it or not, if something happened to your husband you are the most likely suspect.”

I nodded my agreement. “Which is why I hope you find him soon, that way I can get on with my life. Hopefully, now that I’ve given statements about his abuse your office will make sure I’m safe from him in the future.”

“We didn’t handle your situation well and I’m sorry but—”

“But you’re happy to use that as a reason why I’m to blame for his disappearance.” I couldn’t believe I cut him off, but I guess with Alex gone, a new me was emerging. Or maybe the old me was making a comeback. “How about you do something about Mark harassing me? Oh wait, I have no proof, so you won’t do anything about that either.”

“Ms. Roberts.”

“You’re trying to take away my freedom, Sheriff, no point in standing on ceremony at this point. My name is Emma.”

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