Page 25 of Slate

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“Yes.” She arched into me and wrapped her legs around my waist. “Slate, please.”

I fucked her hard and fast, it was wild and out of control, not the gentle fuck she deserved but I wasn’t capable of that, not now. Not with the thoughts running through my brain. They were impossible. The odds were astronomical, really. Weren’t they?

“Emma.” My cock exploded while I was buried deep inside her, her pussy milked me dry until my own legs shook.

“Wow. Holy shit that was… wow.” Something flickered in her eyes, but it was gone just as quickly.

I pulled back, ready to hear her tell me that she made a mistake, that this shouldn’t have happened. “It was wow.” And it was familiar. Too fucking familiar.

“Slate,” she sighed and cupped the side of my face.

I held my breath and reminded myself that whatever she said, I could handle it.

“Thank you.” She lifted up and kissed my mouth so softly I wasn’t sure if it really happened.

“I think I should be thanking you.”

She shook her head. “No. You reminded me what it felt to be wanted and desired. What it was to experience passion again and to enjoy sex again.”

There was so much to unpack in that last sentence but there was a more pressing matter to deal with. What I was thinking was crazy, I knew that, but the feeling was so strong I knew I was right.

“What? What are you thinking?” She sat up and tried to cover her gorgeous tits. “Did I do something… wrong? You didn’t like it?”

“No, I fucking loved it,” I assured her. “It wasfuckingwow.”

That flash in her eyes told me it was true. Her lips parted to say something but the sound of my phone buzzing on the kitchen table interrupted the moment. “Get it.”

I nodded and slowly eased from her body before I reached for the phone. “Yeah?”

“We had a visitor to the clubhouse tonight.” Rocky’s voice was gruffer than usual and lacked his typical joviality.

“A visitor?” I racked my brain for any trouble I might’ve found on my own but realized that lately I was playing at being a family man. “Do I get more info than that?”

“Mark Edwards.”

“Fuck.” I looked over my shoulder at Emma who was half-dressed and staring at me fearfully. “It’s okay,” I mouthed to her.

“Yeah, he strolled up to the place like he owned it and starting making all kinds of threats. Said you were helping a violent psychopath who killed his brother.”

“That’s not true.” What would I do if Mark successfully turned my MC against Emma, especially if my hunch about who she was, was correct?

Rocky snorted. “No shit. I’ve met Emma and she’s as dangerous as a kicked puppy. The problem is this asshole. We gonna do something about him?”

He was right about that. I’d been too busy, too consumed with being around Emma and Ash to keep them properly safe. “We are. I’ll be there soon.” I needed to get back to being who I was and back to doing what I did best.

“You have to go.” Emma’s voice was bland as if she expected me to leave.

I turned to her and what I saw gutted me. Her arms were wrapped around herself in a protective gesture. “I do,” I told her and closed the distance between us before I wrapped my arms around her. “I really do, and it has nothing to do with what just happened. Believe me, I’d rather take you upstairs and spend the rest of the night buried deep inside you, fucking you every way you’ll allow.”

She gasped and her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink.

“But your brother-in-law showed up at my clubhouse talking shit.”

She took a step back and tried to free herself from my hold. “I don’t want to come between you and your brothers.”

“Emma, stop. They know he’s full of shit but that doesn’t mean he gets to just show up and cause trouble. I need to find out everything there is to know about Mark. Who he knows, what connections he has, vices and skeletons. The sooner the better.”

She nodded. “Yeah, okay. I understand.”

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