Page 65 of Spare the Bond

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I’m suddenly in the arms of a mature alpha. He hugs me. All the strength and warmth I’ve been missing all my life. All mychildhood of being the protector and being strong, and this is what was missing.

This is my darkest moment, but I’m not alone.

“It’s going to be okay,” He says and strokes my back.

I find myself clinging to his shirt, the material clenched in my fists as I sob into his shoulder, and this alpha, the father of my omega, holds me and keeps all my shattered pieces from collapsing.

“Come on, let’s go sit and wait for your alpha to get out of surgery.”

We walk together, but he stays close, and he fields all questions and interactions, and when we get to the waiting chairs outside the emergency department, he sits beside me, his giant hand wrapped tightly over mine.

We wait for hours, but finally, close to midnight, a surgeon comes out and smiles at us in exhaustion.

I stand up and reach for Charles. His hand finds mine and tightens. I stare at the surgeon, trying to discern any news from his facial expressions, but I don’t know. I can’t tell.

Oh, god. Please. Please.

The surgeon stops in front of us.

And smiles. “We saved him.”

Chapter twenty-one


I wheel the wheelchairdown the hall as we head towards Crow’s room. It takes everything I have not to laugh at how impatiently Bethany is jittering around as she walks beside me, trying to get me to hurry. She is going to spring into action the minute she gets through that door and launch herself at Crow when she sees him.

Hell, he looks awful but so much better than I thought he would. He’s healing quickly. Apparently, while they were inside fixing the damage inside him, he started bleeding from somewhere. It took them a while to find and repair the damage, so he’s got a pretty gnarly scar and doctor’s orders to take it easy. They even gave him a thick pad of instructions to aid in his recovery.

Saint has already vowed not to let him do anything that leaves Crow worse.

But today is the three week mark.

Crow is coming home.

I bite my lip so I don’t laugh as Bethany bounces. We have a bet. If she leaves my side during this walk to the hospital room, then she cooks tonight. If she can make it, I’ll cook.

She gets almost to the door, and then takes off.

I burst out laughing and slowly approach the door. But I’m just as anxious as she is. I’m just hiding it better.

Saint is sitting on the bed, Crow beside him. For the first time since he came in here, he’s in his own clothes and looking like himself. Bethany leans over him and kisses him softly.

“We have everything. Let’s go home.”

Bethany slides her handinto mine and rests her head on my shoulder.

“Feel better now he’s home?”

She nods her head and turns to me. “It feels like it will all be okay now.”

“It was going to be okay before. You know that, right?”

She sniffs. “I keep dreaming about the accident.”

I wrap my arms around her. “It's over now.”

I lift her up, and she wraps her arms around my neck. I carry her down to the bedroom and set her down on the bed. Crow is lying beside Saint, who is tracing his fingers down Crow’s upper arm.

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