Page 63 of Spare the Bond

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“I’ll find a doctor and find out.”

He walks away, and I turn to watch him. He’s nothing like the surfer I’ve been told to expect. I’d expected someone more laid back, but Kelly is more like the alphas I’ve met running multimillion dollar companies.

He returns a few minutes later with a doctor, who looks at us and smiles.

“I’ve got family permission now. I can tell you that Bethany is fine. She has a concussion and a sprained wrist and will be a bit banged up and bruised…but your alpha Oli kept her safe. Remarkable. He must have had a mere second to choose. That’s what a pack is made of.”

I stare at the doctor, hearing the words like they aren’t ripping my world apart.

She loves us, and we…we love her. I grasp my chest, feeling the magnitude of our stupidity.

“I need to see her!” I demand.

Hunter echoes my words and reaches out to grasp my hand.

The doctor nods and leads us into a ward. He points to a room, and I look at it and back at him. I’m scared to go in, terrified to stay out. I force my feet to move.

Hunter’s beside me, and it’s only because of that I’m able to keep it together.

We get past the curtain, and I see her. She’s bruised and looks so tiny in the bed. She’s asleep, but as soon as I see her, I reach out and grip her hand, holding it tight. I’m careful not to jostle her other arm, which is already wrapped up.

“Are you sure she’s all right?” I turn my head, anxiously watching the doctor as Kelly moves in, staring down at her face intently.

“She’ll be fine. She’s in excellent hands,” The doctor says with a smile.

“And Oli? And news about him?”

The doctor inhales and holds it. “Not yet. They are still working on him.”

I put my head down, burying my face in her hand, needing her scent to ground me.

“Saint,” Hunter says, his voice strained. I tighten my hold on his arm and pull him towards me.

“He’s going to be fine. Crow is a fighter. He survived everything.”

Kelly glances at Ezy and Gael, who silently slide from the room, leaving the three of us together.

“I believe my mother is on the way, and I’m not ready to face the mess I left behind yet. Tell Bethany when she wakes up that I’m glad to see how well she’s doing. Next time, I’ll make sure she’s not injured when I visit.”

Kelly leans down and whispers something to his stepsister, and then, with a smile, he exits the room.

An hour later, the Raines explode into the room. Auggie has red-rimmed eyes, Wayne grabs Hunter and demands explanations, Sol takes her other hand so gently it makes my throat tighten, and then the old beta starts to hum.

I recognise Ryn, but there’s a blond about the same age who is arm in arm with Auryn.

“Lia,” Charles says. “That’s Lia. Those three, Locke, Ryn, and Lia were close growing up. My boys were older, but Bethany was best friends with my son Raider.”

I stay silent.

“Kelly was here.”

It’s not a question. I glance at him. His eyes close in pain.

“Damn kid. I always miss him. Did he look all right?”

“He has two people he calls pack, Ezy and Gael, but they look good, strong, solid. He’s a kind man, you can see it in his eyes,” I admit, wanting somehow to lessen the pain in this alpha’s eyes.

For some reason, this makes Charle’s eyes tear up. “Good…that’s good. What about Oli?”

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