Page 61 of Spare the Bond

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My heart thumps into an explosive pace. Every second slows down to eternity. I see the man is asleep or something, and he’s got no idea. The car is a red truck with black custom paintwork stripes. I notice the calm of the morning; the trees blowing in the wind, the sun catches on the window.

The scent of passion fruit is so strong, filling my lungs and turning everything into razor sharp panic.



No, I can’t lose her! Not like this!

I yank on the wheel as hard as I can, putting my side of the car into the impact zone. It’s all I can do. Oh, god, Saint, Hunter. Oh, I fucked up.

All I have time to think is ‘I’m sorry’.

I hear her scream, the sound of metal crunching, and there’s great pain as the world violently shakes me like a rag doll. And then, I feel nothing.

Chapter twenty


I stand up, theitching antsy feeling bothering me. And then it transforms like a bubble popping.

“OLI!” I scream his name so loud the bar goes silent. The few customers and staff in here freeze in place. “OLI, NO!”

“What’s wrong?” Eric shouts. “Is Crow okay?”

I ignore him, clutching my chest, trying so hard to draw air into my lungs.

“Go, we’ll look after things from here,” Eric shouts. “We’ll take care of it, just go.”

Hunter jumps the bar, rushing towards me, keys in his hands, his face is white as a sheet. He grabs my arm and spins me around, and I move, following his silent direction.

All I can feel is the reverberations of his fear, and now this giant black hole where he should be.

Everything is hazy. I can’t feel him. I can’t feel her, but they were together, and if he’s in trouble, so is she. And the bond, so much panic, pain, fear, grief, and now nothing. I’m cut off from both of them.

A void.

A hole.

Terror and agonizing fear.

“Hunter, please,” I hiss as he weaves through traffic, moving far too slowly.

Hunter puts his foot down as we drive towards the reservoir. I’m really glad that we send messages to each other, letting the others know where we’re going to be.

When we get onto that road that leads to the reservoir, my fear spikes, and all I can do to stay in the seat and not lunge through the window, trying to make the car move faster.

I’m terrified of what I might find.

We get around a bend, and up ahead are lights, blue and red, flashing across a hellish landscape. The sirens are so loud, and my brain can’t take in what I’m seeing. I can’t see it enough to make sense of it.

Metal twisted in the road, like the hand of a giant has plunked it down and put it there. The fire engines are spraying the cars down, leaving water and foam all over the road. But one twisted metal frame is a smoldering wreck.

I can’t see the colour of the cars. I can’t tell.

“Saint, calm down!” Hunter shouts.

I realise he’s stopped the car, and I’m losing it. I’m crying, and I can’t stop. This is my worst nightmare. I race towards the lights, but I’m caught by two police officers.

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