Page 6 of Spare the Bond

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I open my mouth, but Crow presses his fingers against my mouth.

“No, love. You need help. Don’t be proud. Don’t say thank you. Just come home with us and let us take care of you.”

I blink. “Am I dead?”

Hunter snorts, and then starts to laugh.

“You’re not dead,” Saint says with a growl. He combs his fingers through his hair and leans back. I’m not sure how, but the violet and silver hair looks even better after he ran his fingers through it.

I nod. “Are you high? Are you going to take my kidneys and sell them?”

For some reason, this seems to absolutely crack the bartender up, and he puts me down so he can convulse in the corner.

I watch him with a worried frown. “Seriously, people don’t do nice things like this.”

“We do,” Saint growls.

“And your name is Saint? Are you trying to get that status?” I ask cautiously.

Saint stands up, and my mouth goes dry. He doesn’t look like a saint; he looks like a fallen angel, so intensely beautiful that it hurts to look at him, and yet, sex appeal oozes off him.

“No, baby, I’m not Saint-like at all. It is, however, my last name. I’m Keller Saint. That idiot still laughing is Dale Hunter, and this is Oli Crow.”

I peer at them.

“And we’re Pack Crow.”

I swallow hard as I turn to peer at the alpha who has moved to sit so close to me that his thigh is heating mine.

“How does a pack decide what pack name to take?” I ask absently and blush. It’s a bad habit of mine, just asking random questions when I’m nervous. I ramble, too.

“Well, we decide. Which name fits us best? Which one feels right? Some packs take unfamiliar names, some take names of what they are. I heard there’s a band that has their pack name as the band’s name,” Hunter says with a great deal of mirth.

“Yeah, Fate’s Choice, right?” Crow says. “Pack Fate. But we are Crow. We are city-dwelling alphas who stay in a flock, collecting pretty things.”

I shift nervously, putting some space between us. “That makes you sound like a deranged serial killer. Just saying.”

That sets Hunter off again. I watch him until he sobers, his eyes meeting mine as he ducks his head and holds back another grin.

“The only way you might die is in my arms, happy after I bring you to heaven,” Crow says with a cheesy wink.

I groan. “Terrible, terrible line.”

Crow beams at me. “I have so many more.”

“All right, we have a few more hours here. You can stay here and sleep if you want.”

I hesitate. I’m supposed to be finding alphas to help me with my heat. It should be here within the week. I can’t lose this chance.

I chew over it, and then glance up, finding it easier to talk to Saint than the other two. But just as I open my mouth, I can’t even think of how to say it. My cheeks burn, and I squirm on the seat, restlessly trying to sink into the lounge and be swallowed whole.

“I have a…”

“Your heat is close. You have no alphas? And you’re asking if we would see you through it?” Saint says with no sign of judgement.

It’s both terrifying and gratifying that he can see straight through me, that he seems to know what I’m about to ask without me even saying anything.

“Yes,” I squeak out.

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