Page 32 of Spare the Bond

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Saint heaves an exasperated sigh and throws his hands in the air.

“Pride!” I snap. “We hurt her pride. The more I look at our actions, the more it looks like courting rather than making an omega feel comfortable with a strange pack. We hurt her, and we rejected her. Why would she stay? I wouldn’t.” My bitter words poison the air around us.

My rant has me feeling sick and like my skin is crawling.

Hunter nods slowly. “The cameras haven’t picked up anything else. She’s not going back to the house. Where has she gone?”

“If only we put a tracking device in our car!” I snarl, glaring at Saint.

“I’m not putting tracking equipment on our belongings for just in case!” Saint snarls and stalks into the employees only section.

“I’m going to look for her!” I say to Hunter.

He lifts his head and looks at me. The same look that tells me to stop and think. “And say what? Sorry I don’t believe in love, and you clearly do, and even though you told me all of that beforehand, I still knotted your brains out just because.”

I stare at him, rendered mute by the awful way he’s painted the situation. “If we explain, she will understand,” I say with very little confidence, though.

Hunter shakes his head. “Understand what? Most people think we are the crazy ones. They believe in love and romance. They believe in scent matches and fated mates. Soulmates. Twin flames.”

I shake my head because the idea of being that to someone is terrifying. What happens when you fail? I would fail, and when I did, it will hurt when they destroy me by walking away. I can’t give that part of myself up. Not to anyone else.

Even my scent-matched omega?

I lean on the bar, resting my forehead on it while I let out a rumbling growl.

“Go and rest up. I’ll open.”’

I shove off the bar and glare at him. “How can you be so cold about this? She had no one and nothing. She needed us.”

“What can I do, Oli?” Hunter thunders. “What can I possibly do? She’s gone.”

“We can find her. We can make sure nothing happens to her. Hell, we can try something, anything. I just have this feeling in my chest, this weight, and this damn instinct screaming at me that we can’t leave it like this. We have to find her. Please, I can’t breathe properly, Hunter. I can’t think about anything except the devastation on her face.” I clutch at my aching chest and close my eyes. “Making her happy, seeing her smile, was the happiest I’ve been in forever. Not because it was her but because it was all of us. It seems unimaginable that I can be happy again without her.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “I just want to be next to her.”

Hunter just stares at me.

A throat clears, and I turn to find Saint standing in the doorway. “We’ll go look for her, then.”

“What?” I say, sure I'm hearing things.

“You’re better with putting into words how we feel. You might not feel the bonds as well as us, but I can feel everything you and Hunter are feeling, and I’m telling you now, we are all feeling the same. So, let’s close the bar and go see if we can find her.”

“Do we even know where to start?” Hunter asks.

“No, but at least we can try. Ring the shelters, the hospitals, the police. Ask everyone who owes us favours. Let’s find her first, and then, after that, we can decide what to do.”

I exhale loudly; the relief makes my head spin. “Thank you, Saint.”

He shoves his hands in this black trench coat and walks to the exit. I jog towards him, feeling a lightness in my chest. Hunter isn’t a moment behind me.

We’re going to find her.

We couldn’t find her.

It’s been hours. All night scouring the city, sitting in this car, wishing the next stop would be the one. The dawn is rising in the sky, bringing golden highlights to fluffy clouds, and somewhere out there, the omega that should be ours is missing.

She’s just gone.

How is that even possible?

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