Page 24 of Scripts of Desire

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Eden collected her things before pausing at the door to look back for just a moment. The director was already buried in her paperwork, the picture of professionalism, except for the slight flush still colouring her cheeks.

As Eden slipped out of the office and made her way to the rehearsal space, her mind whirled with the events of the past hour. Chewing on her lip as if she were trying to bite back the urge to tell everyone in the building what just happened, Eden pushed open the doors to the crowded room, certain this was just the beginning.



She stood at the back of the rehearsal room, her keen eyes fixed on Eden as the young actress moved through the scene. There had been a palpable shift in Eden's demeanour, a newfound assurance that radiated from her every movement. Gone was the hesitant, eager-to-please ingénue of their early rehearsals. In her place stood a woman who commanded attention, who wielded Beatrice's wit like a finely honed blade.

As Eden delivered a particularly scathing line, her eyes flashing with righteous indignation, Genevieve felt a familiar thrill course through her. This was what she had seen in that first audition, the raw potential that had captivated her from the start. But now, that potential was blossoming into something truly remarkable.

"Excellent," Genevieve called out as the scene drew to a close. "That's exactly the fire I've been looking for, Eden. Keep that energy for the next run-through."

Eden beamed at the praise, her cheeks flushed with exertion and pride. Genevieve found her gaze lingering on the younger woman, tracing the curve of her smile, the sweep of her hairas she tucked it behind her ear. She quickly averted her eyes, focusing on her notes as the rest of the cast reset for another run.

Later, ensconced in the relative privacy of her office, Genevieve allowed herself to fully contemplate the shift in Eden's performance. It was undeniable that the young actress had found a new level of connection with her character. The question that gnawed at Genevieve was whether their hurried office tryst had played a role in this transformation.

The thought both thrilled and terrified her. On one hand, if their connection was truly enhancing Eden's performance, wouldn’t that be a positive outcome? But on the other hand, Genevieve knew all too well how quickly things could spiral out of control in the pressure-cooker environment of theatre.

She sank into her chair, rubbing her temples as she tried to sort through the tangle of emotions warring within her. Pride in Eden's growth as an actress. Desire for her, which seemed to grow more intense with each passing day. And underlying it all, a creeping fear that she was losing her grip on the careful control she'd maintained throughout her career.

Genevieve reached for her phone, scrolling through her contacts before landing on a familiar name. Marcia Stevenson. If anyone could offer a clear-eyed perspective on this situation, it would be her old friend. She fired off a quick text, suggesting dinner that evening.

The response came almost immediately: "About time! Thought you'd forgotten about me. Eight p.m. at Vertigo?"

Genevieve smiled despite herself. Trust Marcia to cut straight to the chase. She confirmed the plans and set her phone aside, turning her attention back to the mountain of work that always seemed to reaccumulate on her desk. But even as Genevieve lost herself in the minutiae of production details, part of her thought about the tentative confessions she’d have to unravel with her no-nonsense pal over dinner.

The restaurant was bustling when Genevieve arrived, the low hum of conversation punctuated by the clink of glasses and the occasional burst of laughter. She spotted Marcia immediately, her friend's striking dark silver hair and impeccable style making her stand out even in the crowd of well-dressed diners.

"Darling," Marcia greeted her, rising to air-kiss Genevieve's cheeks. "It's been far too long. I was beginning to think you'd fallen into another black hole of theatrical obsession."

Genevieve chuckled as she took her seat. "You know me too well. How have you been, Marcia? Still ruling the PR world with an iron fist?"

"Naturally," Marcia replied with a wink, brushing her silken tresses over her shoulder. "Someone has to keep all those wayward celebrities in line. But enough about me. I want to hear what's been going on in your world. How's the new production coming along?"

As they settled into their usual rhythm of conversation, Genevieve felt some of the tension she'd been carrying begin to ease. This was familiar territory - trading stories about work, catching up on mutual acquaintances, and debating the latest industry gossip. But even as they chatted, Genevieve could feel the weight of her unspoken confession pressing down on her.

Finally, as they were finishing their main course, Marcia fixed Genevieve with a knowing look. " All right, come out with it already. You didn't invite me out just for a catch-up. What's really on your mind?"

Genevieve took a deep breath, steeling herself. "I've . . . gotten myself into a bit of a situation," she began hesitantly. "With one of my actors."

Marcia's eyebrows shot up, but she remained silent, waiting for Genevieve to continue.

"Her name is Eden," Genevieve went on, her voice low. "She's playing Beatrice in the new production. And she's . . . God,Marcia, she's incredible. Talented, passionate, beautiful. We've been . . . intimate."

The words hung in the air between them, heavy with implication. Marcia took a slow sip of her wine, her expression thoughtful.

"I see," she said finally. "And I'm guessing this isn't just a casual fling?"

Genevieve shook her head, feeling a rush of relief at finally voicing her predicament. "I told her it was but . . . no, it's not. At least, not for me. This isn’t me. I can't stop thinking about her. I'm noticing every little improvement in her performance, wondering if it's because of our . . . connection."

Marcia leaned back in her chair, regarding Genevieve with a mix of concern and amusement. "Well, well. The great Genevieve Howard, brought low by a pretty face and a bit of talent. I never thought I'd see the day."

"It's not funny, Marcia," Genevieve snapped, though there was no real heat in her words. "I don't know what to do. I know it's unprofessional, and I know it could blow up in my face. But I can't seem to stop myself."

" All right, All right," Marcia said, holding up her hands in a placating gesture. "Let's look at this logically. From a PR standpoint, you're right to be concerned. If word got out that you were sleeping with your lead actress, it could seriously damage both of your reputations. Not to mention the potential impact it could have on the production itself."

Genevieve nodded, having expected as much. But Marcia wasn't finished.

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