Page 11 of Scripts of Desire

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“Oh, yes, that, of course! That’s wonderful . . . um, what’s the verdict?”

Would the ground just open up and swallow her whole already? She had been doing this for over a decade. You’d think she could manage a simple phone call by now. Apparently not.

“Miss Rowley. Regarding your recent audition for the role of Beatrice in the upcoming RBC Summer production ofBeatrice, I have some news for you!”

This was getting real old, real fast. It was like Kelly was getting some sick pleasure out of letting her squirm. But Eden remained quiet, not wanting to jeopardize the news.

“It’s my true delight to let you know that the director loved your audition, and would like to offer you the role of Beatrice.”

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit. Holy actual fucking motherfucking shit.

“Oh my God,” Eden managed to stutter out, her head suddenly empty of thought. “Oh my God! No way, like actually? Are you actually being serious with me right now?”

The prim Kelly laughed, high and musical on the other end of the line, “Ms. Howard mentioned that you might be excited! I’m glad to be the one to deliver such good news.”

“Good news? No, it’s . . . it’s so much more than that.” Tears were falling freely down Eden’s face now, cheeks aching from the smile she couldn’t reign in. “This is amazing. Life-changing. Thank you so much. So, so much. You have no idea.”

“You’re more than welcome,” Kelly responded cheerfully, though in truth she had nothing to do with this outcome. “Please do keep an eye on your inbox. If you’d like to accept the role, we will be sending you all the necessary information and employment contracts through there, so that rehearsals can start in a timely manner.”

“I accept,” Eden blurted, cringing at her own volume before clearing her throat. “Erm, sorry, I’m just so excited. Of course I accept. Please do send me anything you need to. I can’t wait to get started. This is so so amazing!”

“Wonderful. I’ll pop everything over to you now. Have a great day, Miss Rowley!”

“You too!” Eden hung up the phone and sat in stunned silence for a minute.

Then another.

Slowly. So slowly, the realisation of what just happened fully dawned on her.

“Oh, my FUCKING GOOOOOOOOD!” Eden screamed, leaping up and dancing in a circle around her room, arms raised high to the sky in sheer, childish delight.

She hadn't felt this elated since . . . well, she couldn't even remember when. The dingy walls and cluttered surfaces of her rented room faded away as Eden danced, her mind filled with visions of bright lights and thunderous applause.

Her fingers shook as she fumbled for her phone, nearly dropping it in her haste. She had to tell someone, had to share this moment before it burst out of her chest. Amanda's number was at the top of her recent calls, of course, and Eden jabbed at it impatiently.

The phone rang once, twice, three times. Eden bounced on her toes, mentally willing her friend to pick up.

"’Sup?" Amanda's voice finally crackled through the speaker.

"Mands!" Eden practically shouted. "Oh my god, you'll never believe what just happened!"

"What? What is it?" Amanda's tone shifted from sleepy to alert in an instant.

Eden took a deep breath, savouring the moment. "I got it. I got the part. I'm going to be Beatrice!"

There was a brief pause, then an ear-splitting squeal that made Eden wince and hold the phone away from her ear. "Eden! What the fuck? That's amazing! I told you you could do it!"

Eden laughed, her brash friend's enthusiasm infectious. "I can hardly believe it myself. I mean, it's Genevieve Howard. It's RBC. It's . . . everything."

"We have to celebrate," Amanda declared, leaving no room for protests. "Drinks tonight. No excuses. This is huge!"

"For sure!” Eden agreed, the ache in her cheeks becoming almost unbearable. "I'll text you later."

After hanging up, Eden's gaze fell on her desk, where a thick folder sat amid a sea of papers and post-it notes. Her audition prep. She tiptoed toward it, almost reverently, as if it were a shrine to her newly manifested life.

Never let Amanda hear you say that shit out loud, Eden.

Page after page of meticulous notes greeted her. Character analyses, historical context, interpretations from various critics and directors. She'd pored over these for weeks, absorbing every detail she could about Beatrice. Now, with the role actually hers, the words seemed to leap off the page with new meaning.

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