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“Cuz get yo’ ass out here.” Priest had to damn near pull him out of the house and all I could do was shake my head. Le was looking good as fuck. Not only that, but I was also interested in why the hell she would start that rumor about being with me those few days. After the wedding, I went underground, not speaking to anyone for a few months. As much as I wanted to pursue her at that point in my life, I was an open wound, and all I could do was bleed on her. No one deserved that, and by the look in her eyes, I could tell she had been through more than a little bit. That’s what made me settle for the uncharacteristic fling. The emotions she would drum up inside of me while I was trying to recover myself would have been in constant contention.

I busied myself above my brother’s fireplace, keeping an eye on the door, knowing I wasn’t moving until she came through it. I lifted the same damn six candles that sis’ had on the mantel a dozen times before I decided to walk toward the door. What if she left? That wouldn’t make sense. She had no keys or purse in her hands. I took a few steps from the knob, and it swung into me so quickly I had to step back.

The first thing I noticed was a frown on her face. The next thing I noticed was that she wasn’t alone. When she saw that I was still here in the living room, her frown deepened. Everything inside of me told me that it had more to do with him than with me. I don’t know if that was all ego, but that’s what I was going with.

“You good, Le? Let me talk to you for a minute,” I asked ignoring the nigga taking up space and air.

“Bruh, why the fuck do you got so much to say all the time?” My eyes finally landed on him and I realized he was the same nigga she had with her at the wedding. “Tweet, what the fuck is this shit about?” his voice elevated and I cut a smile. I begged myself internally to calm down. He just didn’t know I loved this type of shit.

“Devin, please do not show out at my best friend's house. You are the one that just showed up. We all came over to plan another surprise for Satisa, but she just thinks it’s a baby shower. Don’t act crazy and don’t ruin the surprise because Satisa can come in this house at any time.”

“Fuck that, Tweet. What this nigga on the planning committee or some shit? Ain’t nobody else here to talk to you?”

“You directing that energy in the wrong area, ain’t you bruh? I’m here if you have questions. First thing you need to do is lower your damn voice. That’s a woman and her ears, work just fine.”

“What you say to me nigga?” He said but didn’t make a move forward. He wasn’t gone bust a grape in a fruit fight. I didn’t repeat myself because, just like hers, this niggas ears worked too.

“Devin please.” She turned to him and that was enough for him to calm down. He was trying to play that tough guy shitbecause he mugged me as she whispered something to him. The only thing I made out was the last part.

“Don’t worry, I’ll handle it. Just give me a minute.” She spoke to him first, then turned back to me. “Prince, if you needed to tell me something, you really could’ve just told Nesha.” Her body was better than I remembered. Or maybe each time I saw her, I discovered something I enjoyed even more.

“Those two days.”

“Prince, we should talk later.” She quickly pivoted.

“Nah, whatever y’all want to talk about, you damn sure can talk around me.” He interjected, and his phone rang as her eyes swept toward him. He stood firm for a second, but after the third ring, he answered. Le rolled her eyes to the ceiling.What the hell were they on?It couldn’t be serious because that was the same thing that happened in the lobby.

“You are trying to be funny with that one, Prince. Really?”

“I mean if I’m supposed to be upholding a lie, at least I should know what the lie is and why I am covering for it.”

“You don’t have to cover for me. I’m grown. Just tell them the same way you told Nesha. I wasn’t with you.”

“But why do I feel like you are the only one that kept it up? What happened over those two days.”

Her eyes plummeted to the ground. I looked at him over in the corner, engrossed in whatever conversation he was in while his eyes were still locked on us. There ain’t no muthafuckin’ way I would allow another man this close to my woman, and this was her choice? Then, a crazy thought dropped in my mind when I looked back at her.

“Did he hit you?”

“What? Hell no! Are you crazy?” Her eyes bugged out her head like I lost it.

“Well, then, tell me something. Where were you then?”

“It’s private, Prince. I’ll clear everything up. I’m sorry for involving you.”

“Just some business baby. Sorry, I had to step away. You good here?” He came back to her side. “I’m Devin, bruh. I would try to shake your hand again, but my baby told me you are a germaphobe. That’s why you don’t shake hands. Some soft ass shit, but I get it. Everybody has their thing.” He pulled her snugly to his side, and her eyes hid from me once again.

“She told you that? What else she tell you about me?” I smirked, and finally those gorgeous brown eyes attached to mine.

“I don’t know what the hell you think you are doing, Prince. Devin, there is nothing going on between us, but that is Priest’s brother. I’m pissed off already, so can we go sit down and chill so we can stop with this little… whatever the hell it is that y’all call yourselves doing.” She snapped, but Devin and I still eyed each other for a few minutes before either one of us spoke. He knew I was competition, and I was confident that he wasn’t any.

“You right, Tweet. I mean look at you. I can’t blame any nigga for trying to get a look, but that’s all it will ever be because we locked in. Twelve years with this one, so as long as there ain’t no disrespect, we cool.”

“She is her own woman. I’m sure she can decide her own boundaries. Y’all have a good time.”

“Let’s go, Devin.” She gripped his hand because I was sure he wanted to reply to my statement. She had a damn puppy—no wonder she didn’t respect him.

I stood planted as they moved around me. It took everything I had not to fuck that nigga up. My skin crawled when I saw his hand on the small of her back. I had no right to feel the way I felt. That was one of the reasons I had to check myself after the wedding. I looked her ass up and was getting ready to do everything I thought possible to make her smile and make her happy. I stalked social media pages and all. I could be obsessive to a fault, but people weren’t objects. She was worthy of me being at my best, and even after all this time, I still wasn’t sure if I was yet. There was danger in pursuing her. Falling victim to who I could become when I pledged my loyalty to someone was a realized fear I wasn’t ready to be vulnerable to. Yet, she called to me. Her eyes flitted back in my direction before she walked out the back. There was a pleading in her eyes. A silent communication.

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