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Once Chaz stopped talking, we heard both the twins scream at the top of their lungs, and we both broke out into afull sprint. We damn near bowled each other over trying to get to them, and when we stepped foot in the room, they were looking at their phones. My heart was beating out my damn chest.

“What the hell? Y’all doing that screaming and shit made me think I had to come in here and fuck somebody up,” Chaz said as his hand braced the door. We were both in optimum shape but it was the way those screams clutched our hearts when we thought something was wrong with our women.

“Baby, look!” Le came to me and shoved the phone in my face. I stood upright as warmth spread through my system. On her phone was the perfect baby boy with Richards’s blood pumping through his veins. My brother’s wife delivered my nephew, and he looked full and healthy.

“I mean shit, that’s what’s up, but did y’all have to scream bloody murder?” Chaz asked.

“Chaz shut the hell up. Look how cute he is. I have two weeks off before the next round starts. We have to go home.” Nesha was so excited.

“You know we gotta pull up on cuz.”

“Oh my God,” Le mouthed looking at her phone in utter shock.

“I know. He looks healthy. That’s all I prayed for.” I said.

“He looks just like Priest. Like my girl ain’t have nothing to do with it. I can’t wait to see my baby,” Le gushed turning to me.

“Our bloodline strong. We gotta go see them. Tonight,” I added to clarify.

“Wait, I thought you said that we were going somewhere else tomorrow.”

“For a blessing like this, plans have to change. Plus I may let Rem handle it for a day and return on Tuesday. One day won’t kill the project. I want to take you somewhere special once we check on them.”

“Hmm, I guess that means you will try to kill yourself playing catch up those other four days and come home too tired to move.” She folded her hands across her chest. Now it was time for us to act like we were in the room alone because as she stood there nothing else mattered to me.

“You think you know me, huh?” I joked.

“I have eyes, Prince.” She came closer to me and said those words to me again that she had spoken in the hotel. They came out as barely a whisper. I had to strain to hear. “You are not the only one who cares, Prince.”

“You want to see your best friend and the new baby, right?”

“Of course I do, but not if—"

“Then that’s what we will do. Just know the nights are still mine. This weekend was supposed to be about us. Even with everything else going on I will still show you that you are my first priority.” I kissed her forehead then asked Chaz, “How long will it take y’all to get ready?”


“Oh my God!” I gushed as soon as I walked into the room and saw Satisa holding my new God baby. She said she couldn’t choose, so she made both my sister and me Godmothers for all her kids. She knew if anything happened we would have them hands down. “He is so beautiful, Tisa.” I squealed pulling the chocolate brown baby from her arms. It was like I couldn’t see anything or anybody else. Prince, Chaz, and Nesha all came in with me. I was sure Priest was somewhere in the corner of the hospital room, but my only focus was the beautiful new bundle of joy.

I smelled his full head of hair and tears ran down my face. So many feelings intermingling together. My chest started to pound. I was so happy for my girl and her husband but feelings of deep need stabbed me in the chest. I looked up, and while others held a smile and huddled around me, Prince was the only person who seemed to see through me. That usual lifted right brow told me he was calculating. I had no idea how he did that. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Priest.

“Stop hogging my God baby,” Nesha said as she pulled him from my arms. Prince stepped forward and I purposely stepped toward Satisa in the hospital bed.

“How you doing, boo? How was the delivery?” I asked. You couldn’t tell that it took much out of her because she seemed fully rested.

“It was actually my easiest delivery. Once lil’ Priest found out he was ready he wasn’t too bad on me. I will actually be going home this afternoon.”

“I’m proud of you, Sis’! Carrying our legacy. Another hardheaded Richards man. Just to give you a heads-up, he's gone give you hell.” Prince stepped dangerously close to me. Maybe he was okay with me not announcing it, but he was leaving no questions for anyone to ask. He placed his hand on the small of my back and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

“You okay, baby?”

“Ooh, what’s going on here?” Satisa whispered while everyone else was enamored with the baby. Prince didn’t answer. He just smiled.

“That’s the last thing you need to be worried about. You need to be focused on healing.” I answered, and I felt him shift. I don’t know why I was making it so complicated. He was my man. I had a problem with any woman who got close to him, but for some reason, I couldn’t utter the words. I couldn’t declare it.You are afraid he won’t choose you once he knows.

“Aye let the ladies have it for a minute so they can do their screaming shit. Fuck with me for a minute.” Priest came up. He shocked me when he pulled me into his arms for a hug.

“What up, sis’. I hope my brother ain’t getting on your nerves too damn bad.” He laughed.

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