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“I can tell she likes you. She’s a gentle soul, but she has been through a lot.”

“How much did y’all talk while I was back there?” I tried to lighten the conversation with a chuckle. She responded with nothing but seriousness in her voice.

“I knew you’d always find your way. It was days I couldn’t see my way out either, but through the grace of God, we are still standing.”

“Yeah,” I stood up.

“I can feel this one, is it. I know you will treat her just as good as you treated my baby. This time, the outcome will be different.”

I heard the bathroom door open, and I had no intention of responding to that now that I saw Le coming down the hall. Her frown was stated, and her whole demeanor changed.She couldn't have gotten much from our conversation.Even though that was something I planned to tell her about, it wasn't anything I planned for her to find out this way

“You good?”

“Fine,” she said through tight lips.

“I think we are about to get out of here, Ma,” I turned to Ma Juanita. She gave me an apologetic look. I pulled her in for a hug and I quickly ushered Le out. We walked to the car and she didn't say a word.

“Did you overhear our conversation?” I asked, not moving the car in reverse.

“I didn’t have to hear anything. I saw the picture. Who is that woman to you? The one I saw on the picture on the wall?”

“My ex. I was married to Remy and Mrs. Juanita's daughter,” I said honestly.

“And you thought it would be a good idea to bring me into a bitch’s parents' house that you used to be married to?” I was surprised by how evenly she was reacting. Don’t get me wrong, she was so pissed I could see the steam coming off her, but Lewas the type to swing and ask questions later. I saw the wrath of her and her sister firsthand.

“She’s dead. She’s been dead for four years.”

“Oh. Um.”

“I promise I’ll tell you the story, but I have about twenty minutes left to get to this meeting. I need my head to be straight.”

She nodded, and I hit the highway. I tried not to let the thoughts of that day my life changed to get to me, but even with the radio trying to drown out my thoughts, they still crept in. I had exercised those demons, but the memories were something no matter how hard you fought, you could never get used to. It took so much away from me. No, I couldn’t think about that. Not right now.

It changed who I was as a person, as a man. The depths I drowned in, I thought I could never pull myself out of. I did the work. Two years ago, I never could have imagined stepping foot in that house, even with as much love as I had for Rem. I did it all without breaking down. That alone was growth for yo’ ass. It was time for something new. Old things had passed away. My eyes were open now, and I didn’t want anything I’d been through to ruin the possibilities that were to come. I would tell her. Just not right now.

When we arrived outside of the hotel, Le’s pretty ass was looking out the window, desperately trying to avoid interacting. For the first time since we’d been together, I found my own nerves slightly rattled. I didn’t want her to believe it was any bullshit going on.

My eyes sliding down her body brought a comfort I didn’t expect. Not just because of how good she looked. I mean, damn did she? Her flower dress wasn’t precisely fitted, buther shape couldn’t be hidden no matter what she wore. The dress stopped above her knee, and my eyes rode down to her toned calves and down to her open-toed sandals. Her perfectly manicured toes begged to be kissed just like every other piece of exposed skin. It wasn’t that, either. It was that she could be flexible. Her ability to understand and, at the moment, decide to avoid something that was so natural to her, like exploding when I didn’t answer her question. I knew all I had to do was get her to herself. It was the environment that hardened her. All I had to do was get her out of that and into my hands. If I could love the wrong one, it would be no limit to what I would do for the right one.

“Come on. Let’s go inside.”

Her eyes widened when she looked at me. “You want me to go into the business meeting?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t you?”

“I mean because it’s business. I thought you would want me to wait in the car.”

I looked at her crazy. “Why the hell would I make you wait in the car? That would be rude as fuck. I planned for you to come with me because I want you to know what I’m doing. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize my business, and your presence would never be that anyway.”

“I’m not dressed.” She reached for the last excuse.

“Trust me, you look better than anyone we will encounter.” I walked around to her side and opened the door.

“Okay, I’ll go,” she spoke cautiously as she stood to her full height.

“You acting like you have a choice.”

As soon as she was getting ready to roll her eyes and snap her neck, I smacked her on the ass, making sure she felt it. Her ears reddened, and her breath ran from her.

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