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Nesha wiggled my way and we turned the middle of our girls' living room into our own dance party. No need to look over our shoulders and watch the other hating bitches that had ill intentions. Knowing there were no barriers I let it overtake me. I downed the last contents of the drink in my hand, placed iton the table and started dropping it low, giving some of my best moves.

“Come over here and dance, Shy,” Nesha called Satisa and that was the last thing I heard before I got lost. I was feeling the drinks and feeling myself. As much as I tried to push him away Prince wouldn’t leave my mind. I imagined his strong hands gripping my waist from behind as I threw my body against his. I could just bet any money that he could dance. More than just keep up. That little prequel at the wedding reception was nothing compared to what he could really do. He had that flair for always wanting to win at anything he did. I could see it in his eyes and that’s what made him so attractive.

His strong chest against my back would drive me wild moving to a rhythmic beat. His hands would roam all over me until he eventually took me home and gave me all the things I swore to him that I didn’t want. But I wanted him more than words could say. My body quaked when he was close. The way he carried himself. So damn assertive and sure. He wasn’t afraid of me and he didn’t back down.

The things we could do together. The things we could do to each other. The liquor had brought down my defenses and had me willing to try my hand at him again. He was leaving soon and that would deflect the consequences. At least for a little while. Why couldn’t I have it? He was attracted to me, too. I could fulfill my fantasy and leave it alone. There would be no trip for me. Did I really expect to be around this man for months and not indulge at least a few times? Plenty if it was as good as I thought it would be. I couldn’t go. I would ride his dick until the sun came up and slip out of his house before he knew anything of it.

What the hell was in that bottle because it had me on go. It had felt like an eternity since my body had been taken care oflike it should. The way Devin was in and out of the picture plus I couldn’t even count the last few lackluster showings. If I wanted to I was going to. I was done denying it and I was sure that Prince wouldn’t take that much convincing.

“Get it, sis’! Kill it!”

“Aye! Go Lesha!”

Hearing my girls gas me up just made me go harder. This was my safe place around nothing but love.

Having fun we lost track of time. I didn’t know what time it was when Prince walked in the door with his brother. I just know I didn’t stop dancing. I imagined I was back on stage, the center of attention and he was the only one I danced for. I learned that trick after months of anxiety. Focus on one. Not only did it make the tips better but it made the other men want to give up more money just to have that type of attention from you. It made me feel powerful. In this case, it wasn’t hard to spotlight Prince. I couldn’t imagine how much I missed him just from not being around him for a few days.

He came to me standing in the center of the living room. His cologne assaulted my senses and spoke directly to my feminine parts. He reached for me and instead of taking his hand, I stepped in front of him doing a spin. I put my ass against him trying to gauge what his reaction would be. Instinctively his hands went to my hips to steady me. I bent at my waist and quickly flipped back up allowing all twenty-six inches of my sew-in to move gracefully due to my girl's magic hands. It landed across his chest mostly, not so much on his face due to his height.

“You’re drunk,” he whispered into my ear. He spoke it as more of a fact than a question.

“Not as much as you think I am.”

“Let’s go.”

“I thought you would never ask,” I purred sweetly.

I was making things too complicated when it came to Prince. He was a man. I could leave all the damn feelings and just get on a level that every man and woman could speak to each other. He could say what he wanted but his dick starting to harden against my back was all the motivation I needed to know how simple it could be for us. We could have tonight, and once he left without me, we could let go of any fantasy we had about this being something long-term. He was focusing on building his business. In three months’ time, I would be back to my plan of figuring my shit out and seeing the world as a single independent woman.

“Okay y’all, I will see y’all later.”

I went to Satisa who Priest had propped up on the counter looking like they were about to start some shit up themselves.

“Call me when you land.” She winked at me trying to be funny. I told them both I wasn’t going. I turned to find my sister engrossed in her phone leaning against the kitchen island.


“You not driving.” That was Prince from over my shoulder speaking in Nesha’s direction. She quickly drew her eyebrows in a straight line. I prayed for the best because my sister could be just as reckless or more. Then suddenly she relaxed slightly and I blew out a breath of relief. I needed to stay focused on the plan tonight.

“Chaz is on the way and for the record I would drive if I wanted to.” She rolled her eyes and Prince chuckled. His only other response was a gentle push in the back toward the door. I moved my feet. We walked past my car and I didn’t put upany resistance. I wasn’t too far gone but I lost track of how many drinks I had. All I knew was I was dancing and refilling but I wasn’t too wobbly on my feet. Prince’s firm hand guided me to the car and opened the passenger door for me to get in. I watched him closely as he walked around.

As we pulled away I rolled the window down so that the night sky could tamper me down just a little bit. I wanted this but I didn’t want to come off thirsty. I needed to be completely in control of myself. But nothing to take back. I was doing this. He was looking so damn sexy as he gripped the wheel with one hand. His busted-down diamond watch shone against the moonlight. He had on a simple sweater and a pair of jeans. Prince could dress. I could tell by the small accents about him he was meticulous about his appearance. When I first saw him to the way he carried himself now was night and day. I mean Prince couldn’t look bad but now he was so polished but yet simplistic. Like he didn’t try too hard and he still had that masculine thug undertone that I was a downright sucker for.

Tired of being caught in my thoughts I decided to make a slight move. I reached my hand over to him and brushed it against his thigh to see if I could get a reaction. When he didn’t budge I rested my hand there.

“So how was it with Priest tonight? What did y’all do?”

“Oh so you not fighting me tonight? What you drink so I can make sure we get that again.” He smirked.

“Whatever. I just thought it was time to stop fighting what’s inevitable.” I was hoping that sounded as cool as I imagined.

“What’s inevitable, Le?”

“You know what I’m saying, Prince. Or maybe I can spell it out for you once we get to your place. That’s where we going?”

He reached up to his beard to stroke it but didn’t respond. Instead, he turned up the radio in the once silent car. He didn’t move my hand, but I was feeling a bit out of sorts. He still wasn’t quite reacting in a way I deemed normal when it came to my experience. Unfortunately and fortunately I have been around all types. Ones with money, some with none, good boys, bad boys you name it. Prince just wasn’t one that fit securely in any category. It enticed me in ways I wasn't ready for. He was attracted to me. That was clear but the amount of self-control he possessed was instilling confidence in his decision-making. It showed me more about his character, and I was scared to know him and scared of what that meant when my feelings weren’t reciprocated. Halfway through the ride, my hand retreated but I still wouldn’t be deterred.

When we got back to his place I was ready to strike again. As soon as he closed the door I went for it. He made sure it was secured. As soon as he stepped two feet inside I pulled him by the hand to the couch and he offered minimal resistance. When he sat down I straddled him and kissed his lips. First, there wasn’t the fire that I quickly became accustomed to. It took him a moment but what I knew in the back of my mind rang true. Prince was a man and they were all primal at their base. The energy in the kiss changed when his hand found my hair and fisted it. The small nips he took at my lips made me whimper. The more we indulged the wetter I became and I ground my pussy into him. As soon as a moan escaped my lips he pulled me back roughly. The shit was so sexy I felt a tingle pass through my whole body.

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