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I had too much on my mind, and as proud as I was of her, I was scared for myself. Love was knocking at one door, and my past was hovering over my head, and neither one of those things showed me what I wanted to do next as a person. It was a mystery I desperately needed to solve.


My phone was a constant disturbance as I worked through my day. I don’t know why the hell Hamp was calling so much but I didn’t have time for him. I didn’t accept any extra work once I pulled the money together I needed to show. I had been working consistently for over a week and everything was nearing completion at that end. Remy spoke to me and let me know we were in a time crunch for our submission. It was all but ours, and even though I had produced the statements, they were asking for more details of the money flow. I was trying to stay positive and the request I received when I woke up to show a house at noon helped with that goal. I reached out to Le’s pretty ass to see if she could do some things to set it up for me quickly, but she was ignoring my calls. That tug to pull up on her ass was strong, but today, I had to handle business. We were finishing some remodels on homes. I trusted my crew, but it was slim, and nobody was going to bust their ass and get the job done correctly like I would. I lead by example. So, even though my thoughts were elsewhere, I came to the site at five a.m. this morning and started working. I left at eleven to go home, shower, and get back out of the house for this showing, and no matter what happened, I had to hop on a flight and finish a buildout.

When my feet met the cobblestone-paved driveway of the house I was showing, it was like all my energy zapped from me. I hadn’t slept a damn wink in almost thirty hours. I rotated myshoulders upward, trying to shrug off the fatigue when I heard a car pull up from behind me. The chromed-out black Lincoln with an illegal tint stopped just inches before me. I reminded myself not to get excited. A person could look like money and didn’t have a dime. I also stood up straighter, feeling my own piece of chrome against my skin, holstered and ready. It could be any type of nigga that stepped out of that car.

The driver got out and tipped his hat to me before hurrying to the side door and opening it. The request came from a buyer who said they were ready to make a cash offer today.We’ll see.

“Patch.” My eyes inflamed when Hamp stood to his full height.

“What kind of games you playing?” I asked, advancing forward.

“Calm down, Patch. I have been trying to contact you. I don’t like to be ignored.”

“I don’t owe you shit! You pay me for a job. One I have been doing well. You don’t get to summon me like I am one of your fucking minions.”

I didn’t know what this nigga was on. The whole reason I was tired as hell as we spoke was because I spent all last night finishing up one of his properties. I knew what came with the territory when working for men like Hamp, but I wasn’t going to be disrespected by anyone, and I held no fear for any man walking this earth.

“I respect you, Prince,” he said, cooly.

“We don’t have no more fucking business. Consider all that shit you had in mind done. Last night was my last job foryou. I’ll give you back the money for the last few houses I didn’t finish,” I spoke with finality.

“I think I have something you may be interested in.” He walked forward.

“Not interested. Move yo’ shit away from my property.” He came one more step, and I unloaded on his ass. I connected my right fist to his jaw, and it sent him down. His driver couldn’t get his gun out of the holster before mine was under his chin. His hands shot in the air as I snatched the piece from him. I laughed.

“You niggas crazy? You came here for a death sentence. It’s been a minute for you, Hamp, but you know I don’t fuck around like this. I will kill whatever is moving behind some shit like this.”

Hamp coughed on the ground and raised his right hand in surrender. I swung the gun his way while I held the driver by his throat with my other hand. My trigger finger heated. In a split second, I was right back in my mode. I was damn sure awake now. Hamp began scooting back on the ground.

“No disrespect! I need you! One last deal. I know all about your upcoming contracts.”

“What?” I advanced.

“Wait! I need a different type of help. Some of the things you used to do with your father back in the day.”

“Fuck is wrong with you, Hamp? You got a problem with speaking on my family. You don’t know shit about me. Don’t confuse the shit I choose to do with the shit I’m actually capable of. Don’t push me,” I warned and I already talked too long. The mention of my father had my mind turning in all types of different directions. I would never let a crack in my armor show. No matter if the relationship with my father was nonexistent,he didn’t have to know, and he had no right speaking on it. I couldn’t help but think in the back of my mind my father was caught in some shit once again.

“I know what you are capable of and I know you are the right person to bring her to me. You are heartless, Prince. I’ve seen you kill with your bare hands. You think I don’t know. I’m here for a deal of a lifetime. That’s all.”

“Her? Nigga is you crazy? I don’t fuck with women.” What part of the game was that? Hamp was a snake ass nigga but all of them were in one way or another if you were affiliated in the streets. You couldn’t trust a soul, but my morality could never place me running down a woman. I didn’t care how much she owed him. I needed to seal this shit up in the next few minutes. It was broad daylight, and I had to remember that I had shit to lose.

“The twin girls. Both of them. I’ll give you $5 million. Isn't that the amount you need to show? I can give you the paper trail you need to go along with it, too. Don’t look at me like that Prince. I know people. I know all about your company and wouldn’t it be a shame to derail it all over a woman you barely know?”

My gun remained extended, trying to absorb his words.

“You think I've been calling you for houses, Prince? No, everything is purposeful. I have been looking for them for years, and they keep slipping away. I needed someone close. Someone they can’t outrun. But watch them, Prince. They are murderers, just like you. I could change your life for good. Just bring them to me. Everything you lose you can recover. I still feel bad about what happened to you.”

That was the last thing I thought I would hear from his mouth. No response came from me. He took that opportunityto rise to his feet. His driver scurried from my grip and locked himself in the car. My mind started to calculate at a million miles an hour. Le was running from something that was obvious, but a killer? I wasn’t judging but how did all this tie together?

“What, you think you love her? My son did, too. She is a fucking viper. A low down snake bitch that will strike as soon as you turn your back. She took my son away from me, she took my money and I want her head!”

“Shut the fuck up!”

“No, see, that’s how she does it. It’s something so alluring about her right? She makes you fall in love. It was the same way with my son. Then, as soon as he turned his back, she killed him, and they ran away with his money. Millions of my dollars. Don’t believe me? I have the proof.”

“Get the fuck from around me, Hamp. That shit sound like a personal problem to me. We done Hamp, and just so we clear you and your men stay the fuck from around me. You a pussy waiting on someone else to do your bidding. If they come close, they are signing their own death certificate.”

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