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“Let me have some of your time tomorrow. I work in the morning. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

“Prince you literally just saw me get engaged hours ago.” I slinked past him to create some much-needed space.

“Clearly, I don’t give a fuck about that. I don’t know what you and him have going on but where is he? Tell me right here that you really feeling this nigga.”

“Would it matter to you if I was?”

“I see you learning.” He corked a panty dropping smile.

“Women like me usually have to be taught lessons before we learn, Prince.” The words came out flirtatiously.

“I’m a disciplined man, Le. Something I worked tirelessly to develop. I’m sure with time we could get on the same page.” He stepped forward again. I needed to stop this. It could only end terribly. Prince was fine as hell and exciting. Just what my body was craving but I needed to find it in a differentform. Maybe I needed to scroll through my list of hopefuls and see if someone could calm this throbbing that was happening between my thighs currently. This felt good because as soon as I got home, I had to deal with reality again. The fucked up relationship that ended with Devin and the last week of community service at the center that started Monday.

He started to walk away. The same way he did when we were in the reception hall at the wedding and I panicked. I didn’t want our conversation to be over even though I was so desperately deflecting.

“We broke up,” I blurted out and he stopped and turned back.

Another smile.

“Clearly, Le.”

“Lesha. Why do you insist on calling me something I do not go by?”

“Or should I call you Tweet? I been meaning to ask you what was that about?” I shook my head hearing that name. That was one thing Devin did do for me. He turned that negative into a positive when I was being tirelessly teased for my big ass head that didn’t match my body until I filled out.

“And I been meaning to ask you where the hell you been for all these damn months. That’s what you do. Drop off then pop up thinking you can have access to me and my time?” Shit, I didn’t like how vulnerable that sounded.

“You wild, baby.” The way it eased off his tongue caused me pause. “I was in rehab.”

“Huh?” I know he didn’t say what I thought he just said.

“I know you heard me, but let me be clear. I was in rehab for drugs. Cocaine to be exact.”

All the playful banter that I had lodged in my head flew out the window. Everything inside of me screamed abort mission. He was looking like a huge red flag, but still, I waited for him to say something next because I was out of words after hearing that. That was some honesty for my ass. I never could have imagined that was a struggle for someone like him. Instantly I checked my prejudices. Thank God I didn’t look like what I’d been through.

“Is that a problem?”

“Problem for who? For what I want from you. No.”

“What do you want?” he asked, but there was no interest in the question. I wasn't sure how I could pick up so much about him through a few words. He wasn’t shielding. Everything was transparent, and although it was just a few minutes it was refreshing.

“I think we may just both be in a transition stage. I'm just getting out of a relationship, and you, uh, are recovering. Safe fun is always a great possibility between two consenting adults. If you haven’t noticed, I’m very private, so that would need to be kept between us only.” I replied honestly, going back and forth in my mind on whether this was something I wanted to do with him. He was being honest, so why couldn’t I be? Especially after what he just said, there was no reason to hold back. It just felt dangerous.

“I’m sorry you even pegged me for that type. This right here is commitment dick, baby. I’m too old to play games. You make me feel like fucking up some shit behind you, and I haven’t even scratched the surface. I won’t pretend that’s something I can do with you. Now what happens between us is our business, but damn right, everybody gone know you’re the only person I would be sharing my affections with.”

“I respect that.” I gulped as I sizzled, certain words in his spiel jumping out to me.It’s what they all say.I didn’t allow my bruised ego to rise. Instead, I took a gulp and extended my hand in his direction.

“We’re friends, then,” I said. He looked at my hand, then back at my face, and smiled.

“I’m a germaphobe, remember? I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He walked forward and placed his hand on the small of my back before I could let off a smart reply. He walked next to me while his hand ushered me in the direction of the waiting area. The sizzle of his heat made me button my lips. It wasn’t until we were a few steps out of the waiting room that I found my words.

“I’m not going out with you, Prince,” I whispered to him.

“I’m sure you want to see your friend. She should be ready to see visitors soon. It’s no use in talking about something that is already settled.”

I cocked my head in his direction, and he walked in, and he took his seat. My eyes found Nesha’s, and she searched mine. Apparently, she and Chaz were having a cool hour because she was tucked under his wing, looking as comfy as ever. The only open seat was next to Prince, and to be honest, I would have rather stood.

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