Page 59 of By Blood To Avenge

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“You are. You’re leaving as soon as I can arrange it.”

“You said yourself, he can find us anywhere. It’s just a matter of time.” He shakes his head. “And I’m not leaving Wren.”

“Wren is safe here. She will be protected, I promise you. And she needs to settle in. All that change can’t be good for her.”

“How do you know what she needs?”

“You know it too, Blue. Besides, it’s not her they want.”

When we get to the house, we’re still arguing but he won’t budge. I follow Zeke to the front door where he punches in the code to unlock it. He steps inside and stops. I’m right behind him, seeing the mess the Councilor’s soldiers left. When Zeke mutters a curse and stalks to the study, I realize something.

He doesn’t know they were here. He must have come right to the Councilor’s house. He doesn’t know that they didn’t find it.

“Fuck! They ransacked the house.” He goes straight to the desk with its overturned drawers. “Shit!”

“Wait, how did you know to come for me? I thought you’d been here.”

He shakes his head, crouches down to look through the items they dumped out of the drawers. “No. When your father told me it was Augustus and that his men had taken off as soon as I’d gotten there, I knew they were coming for you. I didn’t think they’d tear the place apart but of course they would. He wants those files.” He straightens, mutters another curse.

I glance at the fireplace where I hid the flash drive. It’s undisturbed.

“One of his soldiers must have it. That explains why he took the laptop and let us walk away. Augustus must not know. I wonder if it’s another one of Girard’s men if he didn’t hand it over.”

I almost open my mouth to tell him that no, it’s right here. What he wants is right here. But when I turn to him, I find him putting the phone to his ear. He’s calling his brother, explaining what happened.

I wait, listen. I can’t let him send me away from Wren. Away from him. When Councilor Augustus learns he’s been duped, and he’ll figure it out soon enough, he’s going to come after Zeke. Maybe Jericho too. And if Zeke is too stubborn to give up the flash drive, he’s going to get himself killed. Hell, even if he handed it over, no way that monster is going to let him walk away. I know it. I watched him beat his wife. I saw exactly what he is.

I decide then.

I can’t let Zeke bear the consequences of my actions. I need to get the drive to Girard and make a deal with him. I need him to vow to protect us all. It’s the only sane choice and if Zeke can’t see that, then I need to handle it even if it means betraying Zeke.

When he walks out of the study and down the hall, I wonder what he doesn’t want me to hear but rather than eavesdropping, I hurry to the fireplace and crouch down, reaching under that log and into the pile of ash. I grab the flash drive and Antoine’s card. I straighten, hearing Zeke return and shove both deep into my pocket. I wipe my hands on the backs of my jeans and clear my throat when Zeke enters.

“Go upstairs and pack, Blue. We leave within the hour.”

“Zeke, let me stay. Let me help you,” I try once more. I don’t want to lie to him. I promised I wouldn’t.

He shakes his head. “Go. I need to think.”

With a sigh, I walk out and go up to my room. I close my door. I sit on the edge of the bed, staring down at that card.

If I do this there’s no going back.

But there’s no coming back if I don’t do it either. So, I dial the number.

Antoine answers on the first ring. “Ezekiel. Good to hear from you. Guessing you’ve had a change of heart?”

I clear my throat. “It’s not Ezekiel.”

There’s a moment of silence on the other end. I hear Antoine Girard draw a breath. “Well, then, this is Blue, I believe. What can I do for you?”

My heart races. “I have what you want.”

“Oh, I know you do.”

“I’ll give it to you, but I need something in exchange. I need your help.”

“My help?”

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