Page 56 of By Blood To Avenge

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This man is evil. I see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice. Hell, Ifeelthe malice vibrating off him.

“You want to take your sister and disappear,” he continues, gaze never faltering as he scrutinizes me. “I can do that for you. The St. James brothers, they belong to The Society. Our rules are different. You are not a part of The Society. I’m giving you an opportunity to walk away, Blue Thorne. It will only be offered once. Be cleverer than your father. I think you are, aren’t you? Take what I’m offering. Give me what I want and walk away.”

He’s lying. He’s selling me real estate on a swamp. No way he’s going to let me walk away and even if he did, I won’t let him hurt Zeke or his brother. No way.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Councilor,” I say, my heart racing even as I try to keep my voice level.

He exhales with a hm. “Indeed.” He turns to one of his men. “Maurice.”

Maurice looks to the Councilor. “Yes, sir.”

The Councilor stands, checks his watch. “Ines will be wondering where I am. And I mustn’t be late for the Atonement hour. Bring the young lady to the house.”

I jump to my feet. “No.”

The Councilor shifts his gaze to me and slowly approaches. I can’t help my step backward because this man is a predator and instinct is telling me to run. “I don’t think you realize who you’re dealing with here. I will show you, so you see with your own eyes.” He holds his cane up, pointing the lion’s head between my eyes as he says the last part.

“I’m not going anywhere. Zeke will be back?—”

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll come as soon as he hears you’re visiting. Not to worry.” He turns back to Maurice. “Bring her. The rest of you keep searching,” he tells the room of guards. He makes his way out without a backward glance and Maurice stalks toward me, hands like sausages fisted at his sides, a mean look in his eyes. He takes painful hold of my arm and I cry out.

The Councilor begins to whistle a summery tune as Maurice marches me out of the room. I go because I don’t have a choice, but I don’t make it easy. The Councilor’s driver opens his door, and he climbs inside, still whistling. I assume they’re going to put me in the back beside him and I don’t know if I’m relieved or terrified when Maurice walks me to the back of the van instead. I’m full-on fighting but he is unfazed. The Rolls Royce carrying the Councilor drives past, the Councilor raising a hand to wave, smiling, as Maurice opens the double back doors of the vehicle and easily lifts me inside. He cuffs my wrists to a bar hanging from the roof which forces me to lean forward at an uncomfortable angle. There are six restraints, I notice, and two long benches and I wonder what the hell the Councilor is transporting that he needs a van like this.

Maurice closes the door and walks around to the driver’s side. He climbs in and starts the engine. I test the cuffs, knowing there will be no give. I wince as they tighten on my wrists when he takes the turn not too gently and I struggle to hold myself in my seat. There are no windows in the back of the van, but I see from the front windshield that the gates stand open, and we drive through. He switches on the radio to a country station and now and then whistles along with the tune.

We drive for what feels like an eternity and I wonder if he’s taking me to the compound. If I’ll be locked in a cell at The Tribunal building. Would Zeke find me there? But we turn in a direction opposite of the compound to an area I don’t know, to another set of gates and another estate set on private grounds. We pull to a stop behind the Rolls Royce and Maurice opens the back of the van, reaches in to unhook the cuffs from the beam and keeping them around my wrists, he wraps an arm around my waist to lift me out.

“Let me go, you fucking asshole!”

He doesn’t and as he carries me toward the house, I see the Councilor disappear inside. Maurice gives me a sharp tug when I manage to kick his shin. Again, my struggles don’t seem to impact him at all as he follows the Councilor up the stairs to the second floor, and down a hallway. He’s still whistling, that bastard. He opens the double doors at the end of the hallway and when Maurice steps inside, I quiet because we’re in a large, circular bedroom with a king size bed against the far wall, opulent bedding matches the window coverings in shades of white and beige, the sun shining in through the five windows bright. It’s a beautiful room. A very feminine room.

I realize why a moment later when a woman who looks vaguely familiar steps out of what I guess is the bathroom.

“Ines.” The Councilor checks his watch, sets his cane aside to remove his bespoke jacket. He drapes it over the back of a chair. “You’re late.”

“I needed to use the bathroom,” Ines says, her glance landing on me. I realize who she is. Why she’s familiar. It’s the woman from the photos who was standing between the Councilor and Antoine Girard. Councilor Augustus’s wife.

“Well, I’ll take that into account. This, my dear, is Blue Thorne. Fitting name.” He mutters that last part. “And today she will bear witness to your Atonement.”

Ines’s eyes flash back to his. “Why?”

“Excuse me?” he asks, sounding astonished.

She stands with her hands on the belt of her robe.

“You were saying, darling?” the Councilor asks, cocking his head as if he really is curious.

“Nothing. Of course. As you wish.”

“Maurice,” he starts, turning to face us. He sees my wrists are still bound and acts like this is an affront to him. “Unbind her. She is a guest.”

“Yes, sir.”

My wrists are freed, but I don’t run. I don’t do anything. I don’t know what the hell is about to happen, but I know I will need to see it through.

“Place that chair where Blue can have the best possible view.”

Maurice moves around me and carries a chair to place it at the foot of the bed. He stands behind it.

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