Page 45 of By Blood To Avenge

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Sensing it, he turns to me and there’s a long moment where our eyes remain locked and it’s hard to quash the hope that bubbles in my chest, but I do. I have to. I break eye contact and I let him hold me knowing it’s just for a little while.



We eventually make our way back to the house and I take Blue up to my room. Jericho’s kept it as is, having it dusted regularly, the bed made up and ready. After a quick shower to warm up because the rain cooled the temperature, we climb into bed, Blue wearing one of my T-shirts.

“What does he want with you?” she asks when I think she’s too tired to pursue questioning me. “The Councilor I mean?”

“That has to do with what Robbie found on that drive.” She tilts her head, which was resting on my chest, and looks up at me.

“Which is?”

“Let’s go to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

She touches the space between my eyebrows. “You’re worried. What’s on the drive?”

“A ledger of Councilor Augustus accepting bribes, basically abusing his power as a Councilor of The Tribunal for payment. And it’s not only him, but his father and grandfather as well.”

She stares at me open-mouthed. “I wonder if my father had any idea what he stole when he hacked his computer.”

“It was all buried deep within with the files of Tribunal cases, the sentences, the video footage. I think that’s all extra. A bonus. I think what Girard wanted was that ledger because it will destroy Augustus. It will send him to the very cells beneath The Tribunal building that he now presides over.” I lean up on my elbow to make sure I have her attention. “Do you understand how dangerous that makes him?”

Her forehead wrinkles. “If we give it to him, will he leave us alone?”

“Blue, did you hear me?”

“Yes, but if he had it back?—”

“No. That’s not likely. He’s not a trustworthy man.”

“And if Antoine gets it?”

I shake my head, unsure myself. “They’re both dangerous and neither is trustworthy. We’re not giving it to either of them just now.”

“Do you think it was Antoine who got my father out on parole?”

I stare up at the ceiling, not wanting to look at her as I omit the fact that her father is in town. That he’d been to her apartment. “I’d guess so.”

“What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to go to sleep now. We’ll deal with it in the morning.”

She quiets but I’m pretty sure she won’t sleep tonight. Me either. I lie there instead with Blue tucked into my side, her lashes tickling my chest with every blink. And I think.

The one thing I want I know she won’t agree to. She won’t let me send her away, hide her, while I clean up this mess. But she may not have a choice.

* * *

Sometime in the night,we both fall asleep, and when I wake in the morning, Blue is quietly snoring. It’s cute. I watch her for a minute before kissing her forehead lightly and slipping out of bed. Quickly getting dressed in slacks and a button down, I go downstairs to the kitchen, the scent of freshly brewed coffee calling me.

“Good morning,” Cynthia says when she sees me. She’s clearing dishes from breakfast, and I realize Angelique and Matty would be getting ready to go to school.

“Morning, Cynthia.”

“How about an extra big cup of coffee?” she asks. I must look a wreck.

“That bad?” I ask as she pours coffee into a mug.

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