Page 41 of By Blood To Avenge

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Antoine’s eyes narrow. His jaw tightens as he wordlessly follows her.

When I turn back, I find Augustus watching him. The satisfied smile on his face sickens me.

He turns to us. “Gentlemen. Return what is mine and we’ll be finished with this.” He opens the door and raises his eyebrows.

“Enjoy your dinner,” I say and walk out. Jericho follows.



“What in the actual fuck was that?” I ask.

“That was Councilor Augustus showing us his hand. The power he wields. And his ruthlessness. I’m sure every minute was choreographed just for us.”

“It was a rhetorical question, Brother.”

“I felt like it begged to be answered regardless. You can be reckless, Zeke.”

The gates open at our approach and the car that had driven off the property earlier waits on the other side of them to enter. Inside are four men who make eye contact as our vehicles pass.

“They seem friendly,” I say.

Jericho glances in the rearview mirror. “Did you notice the one in the passenger seat had the coda tattooed onto his neck?”

“Soldiers?” I ask.

“Likely. I can’t imagine Girard would have walked into that house without protection,” Jericho says.

“Why would he walk in there at all?”


“Maybe. Did you see how he tensed when he saw her fresh welts?”

“I did. Like I said, Augustus orchestrated that well.”

“I don’t think that’s it, though. Not entirely. Girard lost his hand. Augustus destroyed his future. He was a promising pianist. His entire life’s trajectory changed. Augustus, his best friend, was the mastermind behind that.”

“He did sleep with the man’s wife.”

“Girlfriend. I don’t even remember an engagement ring on Ines’s finger in the photo we saw.”

He shrugs a shoulder. “That’s past and quite frankly, has nothing to do with us. Augustus was clear.” He looks at me. “He wants the flash drive. Give it to him and this is over.”

“Do you believe that?”

“Not really.”

“Me either. By the way, Blue’s father left a calling card at Blue’s apartment.”

Jericho glances at me. “What are you talking about?”

“A postcard. She doesn’t know. I’m not sure I’m going to tell her.”

“Would he know where the sister is?”

“I don’t think so, but I’ve upped the guard.”

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