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"Can't wait to swap," I say, already imagining the blush-inducing scenes waiting for me beneath those glossy covers.

We weave our way past holiday street vendors and performers as the sound of carols gets me in the mood for the upcoming season. It's a perfect scene straight out of a Hallmark movie—except there's no leading man waiting to sweep me off my feet, not unless you count the brooding hunk who's been haunting my thoughts.

"Let's grab coffee," I suggest, steering us toward Caffeine Beach. The rich aroma of roasted beans hits me as we approach.

Then I see him.

Ryder stands by the counter, effortlessly dominating the space with his muscular build and listening to one of his friends talk next to him.

"Shit," I whisper under my breath, willing myself to be invisible. It's too late; he's already spotted me. His eyes lock onto mine, and everything else fades away.

"Go talk to him." Mimi nudges me in the side.

"Right, because that won't be awkward at all," I mutter, my heart thumping wildly against my ribcage.

"Play it cool," my friend says, and I take a deep breath and summons every ounce of confidence I possess.

Ryder moves with an easy grace that belies his size, navigating through the cluster of beachgoers with a predator's focus. Directly toward me.

"Didn't think I'd see you here," he says.

"Seems to be a small town after all," I reply.

"Too crowded here. Walk with me?" His eyes don't leave mine, and there's a command behind the casual invitation. Everything about him screams 'not to be ignored,' from the way he stands to the intensity in his gaze.

"Sure," I agree as if my heart isn't doing backflips.

We weave our way through Caffeine Beach and onto the boardwalk outside.

"How’s your evening going?" I ask, pulling my jacket tighter around me against the chill.

"Better now," he says, and I catch a rare softness in his voice. We stop at the railing overlooking the water, the Christmas lights twinkling along the shore reflected in the dark waves.

"Maybe we could switch to Irish coffees," I suggest. "Or would that be too scandalous for Caffeine Beach?"

"Scandalous?" His eyebrow quirks up. His reaction dents my confidence, but I push past it, refusing to let the sting show.

"Never mind." I laugh, a touch too loud, and swat at an imaginary speck of dust on my sleeve. "Just a thought."

I catch him glancing over my shoulder, attention snagged by something or someone else. Frustration builds in me. I'm right here in front of him. Why can't you see that? As if sensing the shift in my focus, he leans forward, recapturing my gaze with sudden intensity.

"Tell me about these books you got," Ryder says, nodding toward the bag in my hand. It's as if he's only really present when I'm on the brink of looking away.

"Ah, they're Christmas themed," I start, voice dipping into a whisper. "They’re also steamy. Hockey romances, because, you know, 'tis the season for pucks and... mistletoe."

A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth, and I bask in the small victory. I want to flat out ask him what it’d take to keep him from drifting his attention away again, but instead, I simply reach out and gently graze my fingertips along his forearm. The contact is hot and unsettling, just like it was the other day when he was practically dragging me down the dock.

"Sounds... interesting," he murmurs, taking a sip of his coffee, his gaze once more sliding past me.

"Interesting enough to read together?" I venture, half-serious and wholly desperate to keep this connection alive.

"Maybe," Ryder replies noncommittally, his focus on the waves out in the ocean.

"Maybe's better than a no," I respond. I might not have his undivided attention now, but something tells me persistence is key.

"Jayden," he acknowledges, the corners of his mouth twitching as if unsure whether to settle into a smile or a frown.

"Oops!" I say, a bit louder than intended, as I 'accidentally' drop my book bag. It hits the wood with a soft thud, spilling copies of steamy Christmas hockey romances across the boards. Bending over to gather them up, I'm acutely aware of Ryder's gaze on me, though I don't dare look up just yet. Instead, I take my time, the hem of my sundress riding up ever so slightly.

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