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"Me?" I’m genuinely surprised. "What did I do?"

"Ever since you started coming to my games, we've been on a winning streak." His eyes are locked onto mine. "I think you're my good luck charm."

My cheek heat at the compliment. "Well, I'm happy to help."

We sit in the Jeep and for a while before I have to say my goodbyes for the night and head back home. I have classes in the morning that I’ll have to have a hard time waking up for if I don’t get a good night’s sleep.

Soon after, I’m in my kitchen leaning against the counter, sipping a glass of wine. My best friend and roommate, Mimi, sits on a stool across from me, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Jayden," she begins hesitantly, "since you've been spending so much time with Ryder lately, does that mean you're finally over Rick the Prick?"

I nod without hesitation, taking another sip of my wine. "Yes. I don't even want to think about him anymore. I'm moving on."

I smile as I consider all the ways Ryder is unlike Rick. Unlike the man who broke my heart, Ryder has this intensity about him that seems to connect with my energy every time our eyes meet.

"Good for you." Mimi raises her glass in a toast. "You deserve better than that jerk."

"Thanks," I reply softly, clinking my glass against hers. Ryder is strong and fiercely protective, yet there's a gentleness beneath his rough exterior that I find incredibly endearing. Where Rick was selfish and manipulative, Ryder is genuine and caring.

"Ryder's different," I confess. "He's not like anyone I've ever met before. There's something about him that just... gets under my skin."

"Sounds like someone might be falling for the grumpy hockey player," Mimi teases, winking at me.

"Possibly," I admit with a shrug of my shoulder. "I really do think there could be something more between us – something real."

"Then go for it," Mimi urges. "You never know where it might lead."

I nod, and with a deep breath, I decide that it's time to push past the boundaries of our fake, arranged, or whatever we have going on as a relationship and see what else could be.

Chapter 8


We agree on a time and place, and I can hardly contain my excitement. As I enter the theater, I spot her immediately, standing by the concession stand, her body sculpted to perfection in a free-flowing red dress. She flashes me a knowing smile.

"Ryder," she purrs, extending her hand. "It’s nice to see you."

"Likewise," I reply, taking her hand in mine. We chat briefly, our conversation flowing easily like it seems to always do.

"Shall we find our seats?" I suggest, leading her towards the back row of the dimly lit theater. The anticipation builds within me, making my palms sweat and my pulse race.

"Perfect choice," she whispers, her breath hot and enticing against my ear. I can feel the eyes of the other moviegoers on us, but it only adds to the thrill.

As the movie begins, we exchange daring glances, our chemistry is off the charts tonight. My mind races with thoughts of what I could do to this little vixen in red.

"Jayden?" I ask quietly, my voice barely audible above the sound of the movie.

"Ryder, I need you," she replies, her eyes flickering with desire.

In unison, we start exploring each other's bodies, our hands roaming freely under the cover of darkness. The soft moans that escape her lips only serve to intensify my own arousal, fueling my need to dominate and submit in equal measure.

"God, I need you too, Jayden," I whisper to her, feeling a surge of adrenaline course through me as we push the boundaries of our comfort zones.

"Nothing's stopping us," she teases, her fingers dancing across my thighs.

As the lights dim and the movie starts, Jayden's wicked smile gives me all the approval that’s needed to take the next hour and half to new heights. She leans in close, her breath hot against my ear, whispering, "It's showtime."

With that, she gracefully lowers herself onto the ground, positioning herself between my legs as I sit in the back row chair. My heart feels like it’s pounding so hard that it’s going to rip the buttons off my dress shirt.

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