Page 28 of Birds of a Feather

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“But working here means you probably overhear things,” the blond cop suggested.

“I’m always with the kids,” Rose insisted. “We talk about dinosaurs and math problems. That’s about it.”

The cops exchanged glances. One of the older ones riffled through his pocket to remove a business card, which he passed over. “That has my private number on it,” he explained. “Call that when and if you hear anything of value.”

Rose took the business card and considered throwing it on the ground.

“Remember that these people don’t care about you,” he said. “You’re their employee. You’re replaceable. If they’ve committed a crime, it means they’re dangerous. You don’t want anything to do with that.”

Rose sniffed and stuffed the business card into the pocket of her sweatshirt. She imagined Oren upstairs, watching over her. She imagined him thinking,She’s protecting me. She’s good for me.

Later that night, Rose crept around downstairs, attempting to eavesdrop on the Waldens or the Graysons. She wanted to know what the cops knew.

The only thing she caught that night was Mrs. Walden saying, “I just keep telling him to get a better lawyer.”

Does he really need a better lawyer? He didn’t do it!Rose thought.

That was when the door between the living room and her hiding place burst open, and Rose had to scramble to get back upstairs. It was a good thing she did. Evie was already stationed outside her door, wanting to sleep in her bed. Rose scooped her up and brought her there, grateful for the company.

Rose’s third week of work meant her third day off. Now, the difference was that she’d been paid and had money to burn. This was a first in her life. She decided to hitch a ride with Baxter downtown and spend the day doing whatever she wanted.

Baxter was just as chipper as ever, chatting happily as they cut across the island.

Rose got up the nerve to ask Baxter about Oren and the investigation.

“What do I think?” Baxter repeated. “About if he did it or not?”

Rose nodded.

“I think it doesn’t matter what happened,” Baxter said. “It never does with these rich folks. They can do whatever they want and get away with it.”

Rose thought back to a kid she’d gone to high school with. He’d stolen a candy bar from a gas station and spent the next eight months in juvenile detention. It was clear that if Hogarth or Hamilton or Kate or Evie ever stole a candy bar, they’d get away with it.

The world was upside down.

Baxter dropped Rose off downtown, and Rose spentthe next few hours shopping, trying on clothes, buying dresses and skirts, and imagining herself in Oren’s private room, showing off what she’d gotten. She couldn’t help but daydream about him. He’d opened up a fantasy world in her mind, one she’d never known she could build. She’d known leaving Mississippi would change everything. But this was bigger than she ever could have imagined.

Rose worked up an appetite and went to the diner for a grilled cheese, readingJane Eyrebetween bites. After that, she left and swept down the beach, her eyes on the cirrus clouds. The Nantucket Sound sparkled.

Suddenly, she spotted a familiar face.

Standing along the boardwalk in his police clothes was the handsome blond officer who’d come to the Walden Estate the other day. His jaw was sharp and firm, his blue eyes catching the light of the water. He held her eye contact for a few seconds before striding toward her with his hand raised.

Rose’s heartbeat intensified. She couldn’t run away from him, not now that he’d seen her and was beckoning for her. Would he chase her if she walked away? Did that qualify as breaking the law?

Rose approached him with clammy hands.

“Good afternoon,” he said.


“Enjoying your day?”

Rose raised her shoulders and decided to probe a little bit. If they were on the verge of arresting Oren, maybe she could warn him and get him out of here. Maybe he’d even take her with him wherever it was he went.

“How is your investigation going?” Rose asked, her voice light and breezy.

The officer touched his belt and gave her a look that meantyou know I can’t tell you that.

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