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God, this place gives me a headache.

Finally, Mason’s pulling me toward the doors, as if he can’t wait to get me alone.

As soon as our room door is shut, I break down.

Mason locks the door and I sink onto a cool leather couch that’s probably covered in half the city’s bodily fluids and try to catch my breath.


Mason is in front of me, sinking to his haunches and taking my chin.


“That is the most joyless excuse for sex I’ve ever seen,” I stammer, chest aching painfully. “Call me old-fashioned, but I have to actually know andlikesomeone, before I let them grope me.”

Mason chuckles, brushing a hair out of my face.

“You did good.”

I roll my eyes.

“You’re just saying that because those girls were hanging all over us.”

His eyes flare and before I can react, he’s wrapping his fingers around the back of my neck and pulling my lips to his with a harsh, rough kiss that heats me from the inside out.

When he breaks it, his eyes are wild.

“I have no intention of fucking anyone here but you, little doe.”

He stands, pulling me off the dirty couch and stepping back toward the door while I gawk at him. He peeks his head out, motions me forward and we slip back out into the hall.

While the club is dark, the hallway is nearly pitch-black save for the few red lights overhead. Doors line the corridor, but none of them are open save for a crack in the very last one.

All kinds of sounds come from behind those other doors. Someone sounds like they’re getting whipped in one. Another sounds like a woman is being murdered. Mason’s hand tightens around mine when he feels me tense, but he doesn’t say anything as we near the end.

Light streams from inside, but when he pushes the door open, it doesn’t lead backstage, at all.

It’s a fucking office.

A wall of security cameras sits behind the desk, each with a display of live-action porn playing from various areas of the club. The private rooms. The stages. The bathrooms. There’s not a square inch of the place that isn’t covered.


“Look what the cat dragged in.”

I was so preoccupied with all the laws the club is breaking that I hadn’t even noticed the man sitting at the desk. My gaze flits to him and he’s smiling wickedly, like a cartoon villain.

“I was wondering when we were going to see you.”

Drew Marshall. I hadn’t heard of him since he and Bailey’s engagement ended, let alone seen him. I would have thought he would have skipped town, knowing Mason and all, but here he is, creepy smile and all.

Time hasn’t been good to him. His good looks have waned, and he no longer looks like a Disney prince. His once-perfect skin is now aging, the stubble on his jaw holding little flecks ofgray despite his young age of thirty-three. His hair, once glorious and full is now thinning on top of his head. But it’s the scar . . . circling his eye and leading down into his cheek that really alters his appearance.

I pause because Drew’s looking at me. Mason stiffens, putting himself between me and Drew, but I can still see the purple-hued glasses covering his eyes.

“Should have known you were behind this shit, Marshall.”

“It’s Mr. Hollywood, now, actually.” Drew smiles widely, spreading his arms out as if to sayta-da. “And this is my house. Funny how that works out, huh?”

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