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It’s not my problem that Melissa Gaines is missing. The world would be a better place if she turned up dead somewhere. Hannah Gainesalsoisn’t my problem, but . . . then again, she wasn’t two years ago, either.

I made her my problem the day I saw that perfect ass and her pretty smile. Now, I’m wishing I’d never met her in the first place.

“So . . .” she starts, looking around at the clutter in the lobby.

I know where everything is and it doesn’t bother anyone. People are only inside to pay their bill before they get in their fixed cars and leave.

Besides, I don’t have time.

That or the thought of changing shit with Dad not here feels like spitting in his face.

“What do you want me to do first?”

She follows behind me, way too fucking close, though I’m not even sure forcing her to work out on the street would be enough distance. I can smell her perfume. The same goddamned perfume that used to make me hard—stillmakes me hard.

I fucking hate it.

I step behind the counter and she steps up in front of it. I’m grateful for the barrier between us because I need to keep my distance.

“You haven’t told me anything about the job,” she explains when I don’t answer.

After much debate when I should have been sleeping last night, I came up with a plan. It’s a shitty one, one I know I’ll feel guilty about later, but if it gets Hannah out of here, I’m willing to follow through with it.

“Your job is to sit here and answer the phone. That’s all. All quotes get written up and come through me. You can write up the job, including make and model, and put the notes in that basket. You set up appointments when I tell you to. You can even talk to the dust. Just don’t fuck with anything.”

She looks around at the abhorrent stack of papers strewn about the desk.

“Can I clean?”

“I said, don’t fuck with anything.”

Her lips twitch at my words and I almost chuckle when she doesn’t say a word.


“I’ll pay you weekly. You get here at nine and you leave at five. Same as the guys. There’s no special treatment here.”

I know I’m being harsh when she winces, but the sinister motherfucker in the back of my head chuckles. I’m getting under her skin.

Just like she’s always gotten under mine.

“What about . . . the other?”

Oh, yes. Theotherpart of this arrangement.

“I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not making any promises.” I don’t miss the way her eyes light up, but . . . I can’t let it deter me. She can’t be here.

“What about the garage? I don’t know anything about it, but I can try.”

She’s grasping for straws. Anything to get me on her side to help her sister. Having Hannah in the garage is thelastthing I want.

Having her under my roof is bad enough. Having her out there, right under my nose. Watching the guys trip over their dicks all day to talk to her?

Hard no.

I’m not too proud to admit that even if I want her gone, there’s still that urge to shield her from this life and the closer she gets to me . . . the more dangerous it is.

I want her as far away fromthatas possible. Not to mention myself.

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