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“They blackmailed him. If that means anything to you,” Logan offers, but he knows it doesn’t mean shit. I’ve known Jenna for years. The fact that he wouldn’t come to me, tell me what they were trying to do, fills me with an unchecked fury.

I want to rip their throats out with my teeth. Watch them drown in their own blood.

“Shut the fuck up,” I grit. I would have never done that shit to him. To anyone. I would have found a way to get Hannah back or died trying.

“This isn’t helping,” Savannah insists, but I just chuckle darkly and shake my head until the tension radiating through me feels like it’s going to break my spine in half.

“Don’t you fucking get it?” I snap and she flinches at the tone of my voice. “It’s always been her. If she dies, you better find a way to take me the fuck out, too, because I won’t stop until every last one of them is dead.”

Logan stares at me, black gaze flinting in the darkness.

“I know where she is. I just need a way in.”

I shake my head. It’s not enough. Every second wasted is another that she could be dead.

I’m going to get her back.

“I don’t give a fuck who you have to bribe, who you have to kill, what you have to fucking do. Find a way.”

Something devilish gazes back at me from Logan’s eyes. “Actually, I have a way . . . it’s just illegal. Could get us in a lot of trouble.”

“Logan—” Savannah interjects, but surprisingly, Mom cuts her off.

“She’s one of us,” Mom says, eyes stoney. “Whatever you have to do . . . do it.”

And then she leans in and lowers her voice.

“Pull yourself together,” she instructs, voice barely audible over the sound of blood rushing through my ears. She places a hand on my shoulder, her eyes firm and her gaze hard. “And fucking find her.”


What do you think the governor’s daughter would fetch?”

I can’t open my eyes. I can’t move my body. The only thing I can do is listen as I float along. My head is throbbing, pounding with the vibration of whoever is speaking.

“Pretty penny. You think the carpet matches the drapes?”

“Only one way to find out.” A sinister chuckle shakes me to my core and I will myself to wake up. Force myself to open my eyes, but nothing happens. I’m trapped in my own body as a slimy hand slides up my stomach under my t-shirt, groping mybreast through my bra with a rough hand. Bile climbs in my throat, but I can’t push him away.

Wake the fuck up, Hannah!

“What do you think you’re doing?” a sharp voice snaps from nearby, followed by the loud crash of a door slamming. “You were explicitly told this one is off limits.”

I know that voice.

“We were just looking.”

“Well look elsewhere. There are special plans for this one.”

Special plans? As in pump me full of whatever drug they choose and post me for sale for all their “buyers” to ogle and rape?


I focus on my fingers, begging them to move even just a millimeter. Just so I know I’m not paralyzed from the accident.

Fuck. The accident. I forgot.

Visions of the missing part of Ian’s head flash through my mind, my stomach turning and saliva pooling in my mouth.

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