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Cortez continues to smile, the wicked glint in his eyes unfaltering.

“Yes, I suppose, though, we are going to have to start ramping up production here, soon. We’re expanding.”

“I don’t have the room. I have a business to run.”

“And you’ll run it,” he growls aggressively, his eyes flashing black, “however I tell you to run it.”

He walks back and forth in front of me, his steps slow like a cat. Calculated to hide his next move. Cortez is a loose cannon. In the two years they’ve been showing up at my garage, forcing me to do their fucking bidding, he’s only been here once. The first night.

The night everything changed.

“You see, Mr. Carpenter,” Cortez wraps an arm around my shoulders and though he’s considerably shorter than me, I let him because it’s better to go with it and fight when needed than to fight now and risk him hurting Hannah. “It appears someone broke into one of my warehouses the other night and fucked around inside . . . you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that?” He pauses, gauging the reaction on my face. I keep my expression neutral, but inside, my blood is boiling just beneath the surface. “Would you?”

“Can’t say I do.”

He chuckles, patting me on the back.


He shoves me as hard as he can and I stumble forward a step, only to be grabbed around the shoulders by two of his men. I rip against their hold, managing to break free for only a moment before the deafening click of a pistol sounds in the air and cold steel presses to my temple.

“No!” Hannah lurches forward, panic in her eyes, but I meet her gaze and she falls back a step.

Cortez chuckles while my heartbeat pounds from the struggle. The bastard loves to scare people. Namely women. He steps right in front of me and now that I’m restrained, he thinks he’s safe. Too bad it took four of his men and a gun to hold me.

“You’ll receive your first shipment within the next couple weeks and you’ll make sure nothing happens to them until they’re ready to be moved. Understood?”

No. Fuck that.


He smiles brightly.


The pistol aimed at my head bashes into the back of my skull, but I don’t feel it, save for the blood in my mouth from biting my tongue.

“Let me say it, again,” he purrs, voice sickly sweet. “You’ll hide them, and you aren’t going to say a word to your lovely brother-in-law. That is . . . unless you want to find your sisters in the cage next to them.”

“Go fuck yourself,” I bite between ragged breaths.

He chuckles darkly, shaking his head.

“You’re a big boy, Mason. But you’re not unkillable. You think you can hide behind your ego and I’m just going to tuck tail and run?”

“I don’t care what you do. You’re not bringing them here.”

He runs his tongue over his teeth and gives a final shrug. “Have it your way.”

In a flash, he whirls around and the same gun he used to bust my lip is now pointed directly in the center of Hannah’s forehead.

I’ll fucking kill him.

“Say, doesMamaknow you’ve got her precious little angel holed up here in this dusty little shack?” Cortez chuckles. I snarl, the sound reverberating through me. Hannah looks past him, at me, then back to him, shivers rolling through her. Her eyes shine with tears and black, all-consuming rage pours through me in waves. I struggle against the men holding me, but another thud of steel connects with the back of my head.

“Well, hello there,beautiful.”

Cortez’s eyes rake over Hannah and he whistles through his teeth.

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