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“You,” she breathes, arching into me. “How much I can’t stand you. How much I can’t stand that Iwantyou.”

“That makes two of us.”

I rub my palm against her clit, the sounds of her wetness filling the room and mixing with the harshness of my breath.

“Mason . . .” she moans, biting her bottom lip between her teeth and just like that, I’m ready to sign my own death warrant hearing my name like that on her tongue.

Shit can get addicting.

Her fingernails dig into my hand at her throat and then the one buried in her panties, whimpering as I adjust my hold togrind against her clit. Heat builds at the base of my spine, my balls tightening with the force of her ass rubbing my cock, but I ignore it.

I shift, forcing her to widen her legs and give me all her weight, I tug her flush against my front, lift her leg to the railing of the porch, and bring her right to the cusp, quivering and nearly shattered.

“Fuck,” I hiss through my teeth, her arousal slipping down my fingers. “So fucking perfect.”

I grip her throat in my hands, tightening until it muffles the sounds of her cries while her body tightens around my fingers.

“These are for me and me alone.”

“I’m going to—” she pants, voice strained for oxygen.

Then I pull out.

“I thought you hated me?” I chuckle darkly, letting her orgasm fade before slipping back inside her. She whimpers the moment she’s in my hands again.

“You’re such an asshole,” she grits, breathing as ragged as mine. Her fingernails leave little half-moon crescents in the skin of my wrist, the sting of pain turning into lust. The pain keeps me grounded, staving off the need to feel her tightening around my cock instead.

“And you’re a fucking brat.”

She moans and it’s the sexiest fucking sound I’ve ever heard. I can feel her tightening, her movements growing choppier. The need to watch her come isn’t one I’d anticipated, but now, it’s all I fucking want. To watch the prim and proper California princess fall apart from my doing.

“You want to come, Hannah?”

She nods her head, lost in the pleasure as her movements become choppy against my hand. She grinds her pussy into mypalm, while I thrust inside her with my fingers until the sounds of my hand meeting her flesh fill the air around us.

“Use your words,” I rasp low in her ear as I draw out my motions, keeping her right on the precipice of losing control.

“Please,” she whimpers, voice soft and breathless. “Please, Mason.”

“Please what?”

“Please make me come.”

She lets out a strangled sound when I quicken my pace, aligning to hit her at the perfect spot and tightening my grip on her throat to steal some of that fight left in her voice.

“Show me how pretty you can come for me, Hannah,” I rasp and this is what pushes her over the edge.

With a shrill cry, her pussy clamps down on me to the point of nearly pushing my fingers out of her. The sound reverberates through me, even as she collapses against my chest, writhing above me like she’s in the middle of receiving an exorcism.

I’m not sure how much time passes as we both pant, breathless and hot, before she speaks.

“Holy shit,” she breathes, chest heaving to match my own.

Fuck, that was intense.

A shudder moves through her and slowly, carefully, I remove my hand from under her skirt, running up her side and drawing shivers out of her.

My cock still aches for her, but I can see the moment the postcoital clarity sinks in. Her cheeks flame and she shifts above me when I withdraw my fingers from her, my hand shaking like I’d just lost my fucking virginity.

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