Page 6 of Stone

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“Fuck,” he muttered, eyeing me speculatively. Then he pulled out his cell and stabbed his finger against the screen. It wasn’t long before someone picked up, and he growled, “Need you to come out to the gate. A girl here says she’s under our protection and needs help. She’s asking for you.”

A few minutes later, the gate opened, and the prospect waved me through. As I approached the clubhouse, the man I’d been dreaming of for two long years stalked out. I was back with Stone. Finally.



“Talked to Francesco last night,” I informed Maverick as I pushed a glass of whiskey toward him.

I’d been pouring one for myself when he entered the lounge and came to sit at the bar.

Since we were alone, it was safe to discuss club business outside his office.

When I returned from New York, Fox had given me permission to make taking out the threat to Britta my number one priority. I’d been working day and night for three months to handle this shit.

Finally, we were making some headway.

“His man finally get in the right circle?” Mav asked.

I nodded before tipping my glass back and swallowing half the contents.

“The family staged it to look like Carlos took out Francesco’s number two, including his wife and kids. Darius”—who we’d discovered was working directly for the crime boss’s head of security—“took it as a sign of loyalty and introduced him to…get this…” I emptied my glass before dropping my bomb on Mav. “Portia.”

Maverick spit out the sip of whiskey he’d just taken and stared at me in complete shock. “No fucking way.”

“I couldn’t make this shit up, brother. The head of security is a fucking woman.”

Before Mav could respond, my cell phone rang. It was on the bar top to my left, so I glanced at the screen, fully intending to ignore it.

However, it was the number from the security booth at the gate. “It’s Jimmy,” I said with a frown as I picked up my phone.

“Is there a problem?” Mav asked, pulling out his phone to open the security feed from the cameras out front.

I shrugged and answered, putting it on speaker. “Stone.”

“Need you to come out to the gate. A girl here says she’s under our protection and needs help. She’s asking for you.”

“Son of a bitch,” Maverick cursed. “Fox is gonna lose his fucking mind.”

Before I could ask, he showed me the screen, and everything in me froze.

“Let her through,” Mav grunted to Jimmy since I was obviously incapable of thinking about anything except the woman with the curvy body and gorgeous blond hair.

Reality returned in a rush, and I slammed my glass on the bar top so hard it cracked. “He’s not going to keep her from me,” I seethed, feeling homicidal at the thought of losing Britta again.

“I’ll handle it. Go.”

I stalked around the bar and across the room, then into the hallway, yanking the door open so hard it crashed into the wall.

The car I’d seen on the camera was just pulling up as I exited the clubhouse, and I headed straight for it.

I was nearly there when the door swung open, and Britta came flying out, her long hair streaming behind her as she ran straight into my arms.

Holy fuck. I’d waited so long to feel her body pressed against mine. My dreams couldn’t hold a candle to the real thing.

The thought that there must be something wrong if she was here hung on the periphery of my mind, but I was too consumed with my desperate need for her to consider anything rational right then.

I closed my arms around her, holding her plastered against me, but I glided one hand up her back and tangled it in her hair. Firmly but gently, I pulled on it until her face was tilted up.

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